글번호 : 31680285

작성일 : 13.11.21 | 조회수 : 202

제목 : The 3rd Completion Ceremony of EU Business School 글쓴이 : eu-center
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

1.      Date: 19 June 2013

2.      Venue: conference room(subbasement), Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry


The 3rdBusiness School(2013.515~6.19, every Wednesday) cosponsored by HUFS-HRI EU centre and the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry culminated in success. This process was made up of 6 times of lectures and 2 times of forums, and completion ceremony. It deals with the various fields in European market with heightened interest after European financial crisis and signposted the advancement strategy to European market for Korean enterprises.

In this ceremony, the participants for the 3rdEU Business School got the certificates and took feedback time for the subsequent Business School. 


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