글번호 : 1045631

작성일 : 11.03.24 | 조회수 : 1086

제목 : Movie Night Nomination Form! 글쓴이 : iso
첨부파일 첨부파일: 영화_공모전_양식.docx

If you are interested in introducing your country

 through movie and food at the movie night…


I. Choose one of the most popular movies in you country.

II. Do some searching about the movie. (popularity, nomination or awards)

III. Complete the movie nomination form. (No limit in length)

IV. Bring it to the ISO office.







Nominate a movie for the next movie night at the end of April and May.



많이 지원 해주세요♥



 Deadline : 8 April 5pm



For further information, contact movie night team leader, Seung Ah Lee(Eris)





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