Article No. : 92549938

작성일 : 16.10.07 | 조회수 : 251

제목 : Notice of 2016-2 Comprehensive Exam(종합시험) Schedule Writer : 대학원
Attached file Attached file: 2016-2+종합시험+시간표(홈피+게시용).xls

* Note


1. All the students should arrive no later than 10 minutes before the test.

    PhD( 1st class : 10:00-11:40(AM),  2nd class : 1:00-2:40(PM),  3rd class : 3:00-4:40(PM))

    M/A( 1st class : 10:00-11:00(AM),  2nd class : 1:00-2:00(PM),  3rd class : 3:00-4:00(PM))


2. Students should take their student ID card or Alien Reigstration card.


3. Answer sheet should be written by black-colored pen (please avoid using pencil)


4. If you do not come, your test result will be "Fail"


(※ The schedule which is in an attached file cannot be changed.)



*Students of the department of Economics, International Economics and Law, Global Sport, Russian Language and Literature, Central and East European Language and Literature, Philosophy, Physics, Statistics, Chemistry, Enviromental Science and Engineering, Public Administration MUST contact to T/A of each department because test will be operated by each deaprtment.

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