Article No. : 92549933

작성일 : 16.09.26 | 조회수 : 3358

제목 : Submission of the result paper for checking plagiarism-Turnitin Writer : 대학원
Attached file Attached file: Form.pdf How to use turnitin.pdf

     The Minsitry of Education suggests that Graduate School students submit the "certificate for the result of checking plagiarism". According to this, HUFS Graduate School students who will submit the dissertation since 2017 Spring semester should submit the certificate or the result paper of checking plagiarism by using Turn-it-in program like following; 

❍ Subjects : Those who will submit the graduation thesis since 2017 Spring semester

❍ Title of Program : Turnitin*

            *A web-service which compares the research papers with other resources and help to avoid plagiarism.

          ❍ How to use :

              1. Log on HUFS Library web site( → Click the banner 표절예방시스템 Turnitin → Check the class ID, PW  or download the manual.

                   (Class title : 한국외국어대학교 대학원, Class ID :10398319, Class PW: hufs0901)

    2. Check the plagiarism by using this service during the process of evaluation for thesis at least ONE time.

    3. Required Documents

               - The result papers including both digital certificate and the Report

               - Opinion by Advisor which should be signed by your advisor.


                                         < Example : The result paper>

          ❍ The level of similarity should be under 20%. If it exceeds 20%, students should write the report paper for explaining the reason of that level.  

          * Just a level of similarity will not be a decisive factor for plagiarism of course.


붙        Attached)  1. Form

                           2. How to use Turnitin


Graduate School

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