글번호 : 34529428

작성일 : 14.01.24 | 조회수 : 254

제목 : ODA Politics of European Union Member States and the Balkans-Seminar 글쓴이 : eu-center
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

ODA Politics of European Union Member States and the Balkans

On October 12th, 2013 the academic seminar “ODA Politics of European Union Member States and the Balkans” was held in Jeonghasang Building at Sogang University in Seoul. The event was co-hosted by HUFS-HRI EU Centre, The Korean Society of Contemporary European Studies and HUFS East European & Balkan Institute.

The Seminar covered various Official Development Assistance Policy topics and was divided into four thematic sessions:

- Characteristics of the Eastern Europe ODA Policy
- ODA Policy of The European Union and Main Western Countries
- ODA Policy and Experience of the Balkans
- Korean ODA Policy and Europe-East Asia - Comparison and Consultation

The Seminar was a unique opportunity for domestic experts to gather together and exchange thoughts and ideas. Sessions involved professional presentations as well as round table discussions in order to take full advantage of the event, which ended up as a successful occasion helping to understand challenges of the Balkan region.


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