글번호 : 158687965

작성일 : 21.10.28 | 조회수 : 1448

제목 : 대만 Chung Yuan Christian University 온라인 경영분석과정 글쓴이 : 국제교류팀
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.


대만 자매교에서 2021.11.27 ~ 28 이틀간 아래와 같이 온라인 과정을 학생들에게 공개하여 진행한다고 합니다.

관심있는 학생들은 아래 Registration에서 자유롭게 신청하세요.


Explore business analysis and acquire preliminary business analysis knowledge through business-related courses and python, a business analysis tool.


registration info:

*Name: Introduction to Business Analytics Online Camp

*Registration: Now ~ 2021/11/11 

*Event Date: 2021/11/27 ~ 2021/11/28

*Event time: 08:30 am ~ 15:40 pm / 9:00 am ~15:00 pm GMT +8 (Taipei Time Zone)

*Number of Participants:

10 Chung Yuan Christian University students and 10 partner university students.

(the number may be subject to change depending on registration status)

*Language used: English

*Platform: Microsoft Teams (Entry links will be sent via email)


*Fee : free!

*Object : Any students interested in business analysis without a business background.


schedule info: GMT +8 (Taipei Time Zone)

11 /27(Sat)


11 /28(Sun)


08:30~ 09:00

Open ceremony

9:00 ~ 11:00(2hr)


Business Analytics tool- Python

9:00 ~ 11:00(2hr)




Business Analytics

12:30 ~14:30(2hr)


Economics in life

12:30 ~13:30(1hr)


Visual analysis of business data

14:30 ~15:00


Closing ceremony

13:40 ~15:40(2hr)



In Open ceremony and Closing ceremony we will show some videos about CYCU. That you could get more information about CYCU student, campus and community.

*The schedule may be subject to change depending on the circumstances

*After the camp, students can get a certificate of completion!


Please kindly forward this online camp information to your academic students.

For further questions, please contact Tseng,Chih-Hsuan (hsuan119900@cycu.edu.tw)

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