글번호 : 121277583

작성일 : 19.05.08 | 조회수 : 1734

제목 : [Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences] 여름 계절학기 안내 글쓴이 : 국제교류팀
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.



독일 Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences의 2019 Summer School 프로그램을 아래와 같이 안내드립니다. 


-  아       래  -


1. 연수대학 : Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (프랑크푸르트, 독일)



2. 프로그램 : International Summer University Frankfurt

                (계절학기 수업 in English, 7/7 ~ 8/3)


3. 참가비용 : € 2,200

 (*포함내역 : 4주 계절학기 학비(6 ECTS학점), 독일어 연수과정(3 ECTS학점), 문화체험활동, 숙박비, 국제학생보험료 등)


4. 추가정보홈페이지(여기를 클릭) 참조


5. 지원방법 : 온라인 지원(여기를 클릭) 


6. 지원마감 : ~2019. 5. 31 까지


7. 문의처 및 추가 설명 isu@fra-uas.de



Applications for the International Summer University Frankfurt are still open!

Students have until May 31, 2019 to apply!

Students can take courses in the following subject areas:

·         European Studies

·         International Business – NEW for 2019!

·         European Banking


ISU Frankfurt will take place from July 7 – August 3, 2019.

Along with German language courses, the ISU Frankfurt program is worth up to 9 ECTS points. The program is taught entirely in English and designed for international students.

ISU Frankfurt offers students an opportunity to learn about relevant political and financial topics right in the financial center of Germany – the city is our classroom!

What's included?

4 weeks of academic courses, German language courses, and an exciting cultural program, including excursions to the European Parliament in Strasbourg and Germany’s capital, Berlin. Accommodation, insurance, and transportation around Frankfurt are also included in the program fee.

To learn more about ISU Frankfurt, please visit our website at www.internationalsummeruniversityfrankfurt.de or contact us at isu@fra-uas.de

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