글번호 : 128128696

작성일 : 19.10.22 | 조회수 : 154

제목 : 2017 2nd EU Certificate Course - 1st Day 글쓴이 : eu-center
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

On November 16, HUFS JMCE's second EU Certificate Course was held at No. 118, Main building, HUFS. With more than 70 students attending, many students from various universities and graduate schools participated compared to previous years. 

HUFS JMCE Director, Prof. Kim Si-hong explained the history and significance of European integration and the progress and implications of Korea-EU relations in "The Integration of the EU and KOR-EU relations," and Dr. Kim Il-gon looked at the process and background of Brextit and its various implications for European integration. Finally, Prof. Kang Yoo-duk explained the economic relations between Korea and the EU, the Korea-EU FTA and the recent EU FTA policy in "Korea-EU FTA and Economic Relations."

In response, the students asked four to five questions about whether the European Union will be run around Germany in the future, the rise of the far-right party, the contribution or support related to Britain's exit from the European Union, and the future direction of the European Union and further integration.




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