글번호 : 180867855
작성일 : 24.01.24 | 조회수 : 889
제목 : [일본 Waseda University] Waseda Summer Session 2024 | 글쓴이 : 국제교류팀 |
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우리 대학 자매대학교인 일본 Waseda University에서 주관하는 여름학기 프로그램을 아래와 같이 안내하오니 관심있는 학생들의 참여 바랍니다.
※ 학점 인정 가능 여부는 인정받을 전공 학과 국외교류 내규 및 승인사항에 따름 ※ 수강 전 해외계절학기 유의사항(Click!) 참고
- 아 래 - We offer this once-in-a-lifetime program for Undergraduate students worldwide from June 17 to July 26, 2024. Whether they want to explore their academic interests or Japanese unique cultures, our face-to-face summer session provides the perfect opportunity. Your students will also have the chance to meet new friends and experience campus life at Waseda. Participants will choose 2 out of 16 courses in the context of Japan and Asia Pacific and can earn four credits (2 credits for each). For more details, please see here.
The classes are entirely taught in English by well-known faculty members. In addition, and most importantly, there will be a lot of extracurricular activities such as Japanese language exercises, field trips, site visits, and cultural events!
◆Online Application: February 26 to March 22, 2024 ◆Duration & Dates: 6 weeks from June 15 to July 26, 2024 ◆Tuition and Fees: Plan A -Plan with an accommodation JPY650,000 (Approx. 4,500 USD) Plan B -Plan without an accommodation JPY405,000 (Approx. 3,500 USD)
For more details about courses, tuition & fees, please see the link below: http://waseda-summer.com/ You can also enjoy the videos such as the voices of past participants, messages from professors and Waseda student interns.
Lastly, please follow our Instagram account to catch the latest information.
https://www.instagram.com/ |