글번호 : 128129327

작성일 : 19.10.22 | 조회수 : 139

제목 : JMCE 1st Certificate Course 글쓴이 : eu-center
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.


On Novermber 10th and 17th, 2016, the JMCE Certificate Course was held at No. 338, Main Building at HUFS. Through the six programmes within the course of two days, undergraudate and graduate students of HUFS, Korea, Yonsei, Kyeonghee, and Myeongji University enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about the Europeon Union.

Novermber 10, 2016

Europeanm Integration and EU-Korea Relations (Pf. Si Hong KIM)

Brexit and EU Governanace (Pf. Byeong Joon SONG)

Education and Science Policy of the EU (Pf. Myeon Joong KIM)

Novermber 17, 2016

Socio-Cultural Policy of the European Union (Pf. Bong Cheol KIM)

EU-Korea FTA and Economic Relations (Pf. Yoo Deok KANG)

The Future of EU and Korea Relations (Pf. Si Hong KIM)


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