글번호 : 120891975

작성일 : 19.04.29 | 조회수 : 182

제목 : HUFS JMCE-Embassy of Latvia Round Table Meeting 글쓴이 : eu-center
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

On 25 Apr (Thu), HUFS JMCE and the Embassy of the Republic of Latvia to the Republic of Korea jointly held a round table under the theme of 'The Challenges of the European Union and East Asia, Way forward,' at the room 2003 of Main Building, HUFS. 

Among the EU participants were Janis Mazieks, Political Director of the Under-Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Peteris Vaibars, Latvian Ambassador to Korea, Simon Smith, British Ambassador to Korea and Ottar Berdzenishvili, Georgian Ambassador to South Korea, while Korean representatives included Prof. Bongchul Kim, Prof. Yoo-duk Kang, Prof. Mason Richey and Dr. Sungeun Shim of the National Assembly Research Service.

Participants from the two sides had time to exchange and share various opinions on major issues of each country, including relations between the Baltic states and Russia, to emphasize the importance of cooperation between Europe and Asia under the current international situation, as well as to discuss long-term measures, including mutual exchanges, on the status of common social issues concerning the youth generation.








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