글번호 : 95376474

작성일 : 16.08.22 | 조회수 : 559

제목 : 2016-1 성적우수자 수기(수료식 Speech) 글쓴이 : TESOL
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

27기 박나령 수료생


Good evening! Everyone!

I’m honored to be speaking on behalf of all my fellow classmates today.

We are here to celebrate our successful completion of the HUFS TESOL program.

I remember the crucial moment that I decided to apply to the HUFS TESOL program. As I taught students English for a few years, I felt the need for changing my typical teaching skills. I really wanted to develop my teaching skills and learn more various and  useful method, to motivate myself to be a better professional English teacher.

When I took the first class, I was very nervous about whether I would meet nice professors and nice classmates, whether I could complete all of assignments well. However, as time passed by, my worries gradually disappeared.

Our professors were really professional and enthusiastic. They were really nice!

They taught us valuable and practical teaching skills with a wonderful curriculum. So, I could apply what I learned to my real English classroom efficiently. Sometimes, I was so overwhelmed by a large amount of assignments that I almost gave them up. But I soon realized those were really helpful and gave an opportunity to think more deeply. So I tried to do my best.

Especially, each assignment’s feedback from the professors was quite useful and developed my teaching skills more and more.

Inaddition, I was given a chance to meet wonderful classmates. We encouraged one another to keep completing the course successfully and did our project together well. I learned from not only professors but also my classmates a lot.

Especially, we demonstrated our lessons that we prepared during microteaching for two weeks, watching the lessons one another.  

After finishing this course, we had mixed feelings together.

I would like to say it was one of the happiest and the most challenging moments in my life.

There is an old Chinese saying” Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still.” As it says, I really hope all of us keep continuing to achieve our goals, based on what we’ve learned through the HUFS TESOL program.

Lastly, I really appreciate all my fellow classmates, honorable faculties, staffs and my family. We made it! Thank you!

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