글번호 : 112200907

작성일 : 18.10.07 | 조회수 : 186

제목 : The 5th HUFS JMCE Intern Orientation 글쓴이 : eu-center
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

On October 4, HUFS JMCE (Director KIM Si Hong) proceeded with

an intern orientation at the room 443, Main Building.

The interns will participate in the promotion and academic activities

of the JMCE for the Fall semester.

The 15 interns included KIM Jaewon (German), PARK Jiyoon (International Economics & Law), KIM Dohee (German Education), LEE Yongju (Arabic), AN Hyunjung (Dutch), KIM Donghyun (Scandinavian Languages), CHOO Seoyeon (Italian), LEE Dongwook (International Economics & Law), JEONG Sangkyun (German), KANG Hansol (Spanish), CHOE Jihyeon (Political Science and Diplomacy), CHA Hyunkyoung (German interpretation and Translation), LEE Hyein (School of English for Interpretation and Translation), JEONG Misun (French Studies), KIM Chan (Industrial and Management Engineering).The interns will participate in the promotion and academic activities of the JMCE for the Fall semester.

At the event, Director KIM Si Hong introduced HUFS JMCE and its activities to the interns and listened to the interns' ideas and suggestions about upcoming internship activities.





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