글번호 : 72710351
작성일 : 16.03.22 | 조회수 : 2902
제목 : [공통]Schwarzman Scholars 장학 프로그램 담당자 설명회 | 글쓴이 : 국제교류팀 |
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Schwarzman Scholars 장학 프로그램 담당자 설명회
Schwarzman Scholars는 글로벌 리더 육성을 위해 매년 전 세계 200명의 대학생을 선발하여 중국 칭화대에서 석사과정(1년)을 진행하는 장학 프로그램입니다. 선발된 학생들은 수학 기간동안 전액 장학금을 받으며 전 세계 우수한 학생들과 네트워크를 맺게 됩니다. 상기 장학 프로그램에 관심있는 본교 학생들의 많은 참여를 바랍니다.
1. 장소: 한국외대 (서울캠퍼스) 본관 109호 2. 일시: 2016. 3. 31(목) 오후 1시 - 2시 3. 프로그램: 석사과정(1년), 중국 칭화대(Tsinghua University in Beijing) 4. 장학범위: 전액 장학금 (Fully-funded) 5. 신청방법: register here (사전신청) 6. 홈페이지: http://schwarzmanscholars.org/
Students of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies are invited to learn about a highly-selective international scholarship program on Thursday, March 31, 1:00pm – 2:00pm at (HUFS Main Building 109)
Inspired by the Rhodes Scholarship, Schwarzman Scholars is a highly selective international scholarship program designed to prepare future leaders for success in a world where China plays a key global role. Schwarzman Scholars is pleased to announce its first class in this New York Times article.
The program will give the world’s best and brightest students the opportunity to develop their leadership skills through a fully-funded one-year Master’s Degree at Tsinghua University in Beijing – one of China’s most prestigious universities.
Program highlights include:
Briefing Agenda for Schwarzman Scholars Program (HUFS Main Building 109)
1:00 - 1:30pm – Schwarzman Scholars Program Presentation
*If you’re unable to attend the information session, please direct your questions to schwarzmanscholars.asiapacific@iie.org.
Please register here if you’d like to attend the information session.
We know that Hankuk University of Foreign Studies enrolls many aspiring young leaders in Korea, and we hope that the Schwarzman Scholars Program will be of interest to you. |