Article No. : 126978670

작성일 : 19.09.23 | 조회수 : 794

제목 : Timetable for 2019-2 Foreign Language Exam Writer : 대학원
Attached file Attached file: (공고시간표)2019-2외국어시험+시간표(석,박).xlsx

Timetable for 2019-2 Foreign Language Exam


Please refer to the attched file for detailed information about timetable.


※ Notice

Date : 2019. 9. 28. (Sat)


1.  Must arrive  no later than 10 minutes before the test starts.


2.  Students can use dictionary for the M/A, PhD 외국어시험

     - Electronic dictionary allowed, but Mobile phone prohibited


     - You cannot use the dictionary for the 외국어시험 of major in PhD course.

     - Those who are on Master and PhD course on KFLT major cannot use the dictionary for the
외국어시험 of 전공한국어.


3.  You will be regarded as "Fail" if you do not attend.


4.  Must bring your ID card(or Student ID card).


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