글번호 : 40998

작성일 : 08.09.09 | 조회수 : 1875

제목 : 2008 KGSS Monthly Orientation 글쓴이 : international
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

Dear KGSS Students
(Korean Government Scholarship Students)

Thank all of you guys for having participated in the August orientation, which was held on August 28.
It gave all of us a great opportunity to share our experience with friends and make good suggestions on how to improve Korean better.

We are planning to hold 2008 KGSS September orientation as follows.
Your participation would be highly appreciated

- Date and Time : Sep. 19, 2009 / 15:00 - 16:30
- Location : 107 Seminar room at HUFS Mainbuilding

We have also invited students from Dept. of Korean Education who are willing to teach you Korean after class and  be your mentor during your stay at HUFS.

If you can not join the O/T, please contact our coordinator at least one week before the event.

International Affairs Team

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