글번호 : 135961843

작성일 : 20.04.23 | 조회수 : 1426

제목 : [Graduation] Notice for 2020-1 Graduation exam 글쓴이 : 국제학부
첨부파일 첨부파일: Notice+for+DIS+graduation+exam (1).hwp Graduation+Test+Application.hwp

This is the documents for students who want to apply for the graduation exam of 2020-1.

Please submit to DIS office your (1) graduation exam application fom and (2) certificate documents.

The certificate documents can be different depending on each condition. So, please check the notification in details.


*application form for the graudation can be summitted by e-mail, scanned.

DIS TA e-mail: hufsdista@gmail.com

You can visit DIS office 9:00~15:00 (lunch time 12:00~13:00)

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