글번호 : 136091392

작성일 : 20.04.27 | 조회수 : 524

제목 : Notice for Alternative Korean Efficiency Exam (2020-1 ONLY) 글쓴이 : 국제학부
첨부파일 첨부파일: 한국어대체시험 응시원서.hwp

Due to the COVID-19, the DIS office will hold an alternative Korean efficiency exam. 

International students who must graudate this summer and students who do not have the TOPIK certificate should apply for this exam. This alternative exam is similar to TOPIK II reading. 

The exam will be held at May 25th from 7pm - 8pm. This exam is ONLY for students who must graduate this semester. The result of this test will not be effective for the next graduation (winter 2021). 

The exact location of the test will be announced later.


Students who must graduate this semester should download the form and submit it to the DIS office via email (hufsdista@gmail.com) until 3pm May 15th.



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