글번호 : 139539191

작성일 : 20.07.10 | 조회수 : 911

제목 : [2020-1] Submission of Graduation Requirements 글쓴이 : 국제학부
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

Please submit the graduation requirements by 2pm today (Friday, July 10, 2020).

If there is a problem with the test schedule, please contact us.

And you should first submit the documents that are already been published.


email: hufsdista@gmail.com



* Graduation Requirements

- Depending on your admission information (Korean, foreigner, 12 year overseas Korean)

- Check attachment for details on Language qualifications

① Korean students : English proficiency test score + The 2nd language exam score

② International students : English proficiency test score + TOPIK test score

③ Korean national students who were under the overseas education system for 12 years : English proficiency test score + TOPIK test score


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