Article No. : 103122570

작성일 : 18.03.06 | 조회수 : 206

제목 : Application of Comprehensive Exam Writer : 대학원
Attached file Attached file: 응시원서(2018).hwp 수납의뢰서(석.박사).hwp 종합시험교과목(2018학년도+1학기).hwp


1. Application period : Mar 12(Mon) ~ 16(Fri)


2. Exam schedule : 

   A. Seoul campus :  Apr. 13(Fri)  ~  14(Sat) 

   B. Global campus :  Apr. 12(Thu)  ~  13(Fri) 


3. Qualification to take comprehensive exam

 A. MA course : To register at least 3 semesters and take at least 15 credits

 B. PhD course : To register at least 3 semesters and take at least 18 credits


4. Required documents

 A. A copy of 응시원서

 B. A copy of 수납의뢰서


5. Exam Fee

 A. MA course : 0 KRW(In case of the first time)  /  10,000KRW for each subject(In case of taking more than two times)

 B. PhD course : 0 KRW(In case of the first time) /  25,000KRW for each subject(In case of taking more than two times) 


6. Subjects : Refer to Attached file.

 A. MA course : 3 subjects

 B. PhD course : 4 subjects


7. If the number of subjects taken exceeds 3 subjects(MA course) or 4 subejcts(PhD course), students should pay the exam fee.


8. Note

 1) Detailed information about the time and place to take texam will be announced on GS website notice 1 week before the test date.

 2) If students cannot visit GS office(Seoul) or Onestop Service Center(Global) during the application period, tehy can apply to this exam by sending the application form by FAX(02-2173-3369) or email(

 3) To change or cancellation is only possible within the application period(Mar 12 ~ 16).




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