Article No. : 116723098

작성일 : 19.01.24 | 조회수 : 283

제목 : [IMPORTANT] 2019 Winter Graduation Ceremony(2019.02.22) Writer : 대학원
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<2019 Winter Graduation Ceremony>

1. Date and Time : February 22, 2019 (Fri) 10 am

2. Venue : Obama Hall

3. Those who will graduate Ph.D course should prepare a grduation gown personally.

Color of Hood



Study of International Affairs, Literature, Linguistics, Cultural Contents, TESOL


Study of Philosophy, Public Administration


Study of Meida Communication, Politics


(Dark Blue)

Study of Economics


Study of Management(Business)


(Reddish Brown)

Study of Science


Study of Law


Study of Engineering


▶ Contact Information for preparing a grduation gown.

- 서울 가운사 : 02-3474-1801~2

- 성의사 : 02-754-7650 / 02-754-2612

- 춘추사 : 02-312-6661

- 학위사 : 1588-4838


*) Those who will get Ph.D & Master's degree Diploma will take their certificate on the stage from President, so you must arrive at ceremony hall by 9:20 am with wearing a grduation gown and sit on your own seat. (There will be each one's name tag on every seat)


*) You cannot go on stage if you are late, so be sure to arrive before 9:20 am.


*) Both Master's degree & Ph.D graduation stuents should let us know whether they will attend or not on the graduation ceremony by February 8(Fri).

-Contact : 02-2173-2386 or

* Those who will get Master's degree :

1) Period that you can borrow a graduation gown : February 19(Tue) ~ 21(Thu), 16(Thu) 9am ~ 4pm

 -Please visit our office in advance because the gown rental service will not be provided on the graduation day(2/22) due to a shortage of time.

2) Visiting place : Graduate School office(#102)

- Please bring a bag to take a graduation gown if you borrow before the day of graduation ceremony.

3) Please arrive by 9:20 am at Obama Hall and take your seat on the (General) Graduate School section.

4) Please return the graduation gowns right after the graduation ceremony finishes.


* If you have any book that you have not returned, please turn it in by February 8(Fri) to the library.


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