글번호 : 138283138

작성일 : 20.06.11 | 조회수 : 744

제목 : [Current_Job] [웹젠] 글로벌사업PM(프랑스어) 채용공고 글쓴이 : international
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

■ 기업정보 Company Information


- 업체명 Company Name : ㈜웹젠 (WEBZEN Inc.)


- 대표자명 CEO Name : 김태영

- 홈페이지 Website : http://company.webzen.com/en

- 업종 Type of Business : 온라인 모바일 게임

- 직원수 Number of Employees : 650명

- 주소 Address : 경기도 성남시 분당구 판교로 242, 비동 (삼평동, 판교디지털센터)

■ 회사소개 Introduction




(주)웹젠은 2000년 설립 이후 국내 최초 Full 3D 온라인 게임 ‘뮤 온라인’을 시작으로 ‘R2’, ‘샷온라인’ 등

다수의 PC온라인게임과 모바일게임을 개발 및 퍼블리싱하고 있는 게임 전문 기업입니다.

MU LEGEND, MU Origin, C9, Metin, R2, Shot Online 등 다수의 게임 서비스를 바탕으로 글로벌

게임유저들의 사랑을 받고 있습니다.

또한 북미, 남미, 유럽을 중심으로 전 세계 6,000만명의 회원을 보유한 글로벌 게임포털

‘WEBZEN.com’을 운영하면서 글로벌 게이머들에게 자사의 게임들을 서비스하고 있습니다.


Founded in Seoul, South Korea, in 2000, WEBZEN Inc. (KOSDAQ) is a leading global developer and

publisher of both online and mobile games.

WEBZEN is continuing its tradition of pioneering the full 3D MMORPG MU ONLINE with MU

LEGEND, MU Origin, C9, Metin, R2, Shot Online and an array of exciting game titles slated for

release in the global game market.

WEBZEN has expanded its service to Europe, North and South America and other countries by

operating its global game portal WEBZEN.com which has over 60 million players from all over the world.

WEBZEN is currently developing various PC online and mobile games. Further information on

WEBZEN and its games can be found at WEBZEN.com.


Project Manager (French Speaker)


1) Location: Pangyo, SeongNam, Korea


2) Summary

As Project Manager, you will manage all facets of game-service production & 3rd-party development

along with team. In addition, you will manage all facets of every games-publishing service and/or

designated games-publishing services with the team.

In this role, you may work on several projects with a variety cross-functional team members to ensure

smooth development and delivery of high-quality game services.


3) Job Duties

■ Project Management

- Successfully delivering high-quality game services on time and on budget by managing all facets of

production/live operations, including: feature prioritization, risk and schedule management, reviews,

and approvals.

- Managing developer relations to ensure development contracts accurately reflect the product

requirements, scope, schedule, and budget up until initial launch and during live operations.

■ Game Analysis

- Providing feedback on the game design and feature set based on a thorough understanding of the

games and competitors' best practices.

- General analysis for efficient customer acquisition and retention in a designated title.

- Monitor & analyze KPIs.

■ Game Sourcing

- Monitoring the general game market and finding titles to publish.

- Being the main interface between Korean developers/publishing organizations and European

publishing organizations.


4) Essential Qualifications

- Must hold a valid work permit or be eligible to apply.

- Able to travel around the world.

- Solid understanding of the games market.

- Strong knowledge of MMORPGs & mobile online games.

- Must have native-level fluency in French and/or Korean

- Excellent written, communication, and interpersonal skills (Korean/French)

- MS Office and project-management-software knowledge required.

- Able to work as part of a team with Korean co-workers.


5) Preferred Qualifications

- 0+ year or 1+ years of experience in game publishing and operations, ideally with a focus on online-

game and/or mobile-game services in the Western Hemisphere.

- Able to speak second language (ex. English, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.)

- Experience of publishing Asian and/or Western online and mobile games is a plus.


■ 채용정보 Job Description





- 게임 라이브 운영 전략 수립/실행

- 이벤트/세일즈 프로모션 기획/실행

- 지표분석 및 개선사항 도출/반영

- 컨텐츠 및 BM 분석/개선

- 담당 프로젝트 전반 매니지먼트

- 서비스 현지화 기획/관리/실행

- CS 및 커뮤니티 유지 관리 및 지원

- 기타 서비스 전반 매니지먼트



- 신입 혹은 관련경력 1년 이상

- 비즈니스 프랑스어 커뮤니케이션 가능자

- 작문역량 우수자(한국어/프랑스어)

- 게임 분석역량 및 시스템이해 보유자

- 게임을 좋아하고 게임서비스에 대한 이해도가 높으신 분

- 원만한 대인관계 및 커뮤니케이션 역량을 보유하신 분

- 업무에 대한 책임감이 강한 분



- 제2외국어 사용 가능자(영어, 중국어, 스페인어, 포르투갈어 등)

- PC/모바일 게임 라이브서비스 경험자

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