글번호 : 132718139

작성일 : 20.02.06 | 조회수 : 1528

제목 : [일본 Meiji] Japanese Language Program Summer 2020 글쓴이 : 국제교류팀
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.


본교 자매대학교인 일본 메이지대학교(Meiji University) 에서 Japanese Language Program Summer 2020 을 진행하기에 아래와 같이 안내 드립니다.  


-  아       래  -


1. 프로그램 : 일본어 어학연수


2. 대학소재지 : 일본 Tokyo (東京都千代田区)


3. 수학기간 : 2020. 7. 1 ~ 7. 19


4. 참가비용 :


Fee Course A: Program Fee + Accommodation Fee (Hotel)
*About 20 minute commute by train and walking
*Check-in: 1 July, Check Out: 19 July
*Meals are not included
*Transportation: About 320 yen/day
Course B: Program Fee + Accommodation Fee (Homestay)
*60-90 minute commute by train and walking / bus.
*Check-in: 1 July, Check Out: 19 July
*Breakfast and dinner included
*Transportation: About 2,000 yen/day
Course C: Program Fee only
*Students who need assistance obtaining the visa cannot choose this course.
*Meiji University will not arrange your accommodation. Please find by yourself.
*Program Fee includes:
Tuition, field-trips, educational materials
*Does not include:
Accommodation fee, airfare, domestic travel expenses, insurance, meals and other living expenses

*We may not be able to arrange the homestay due to your special requirements or circumstances. In that case, we will inform you one month before the program starts. Homestay Company will arrange a hotel instead and extra charges will be added. It is different from Course A's hotel.
*You cannot change the course after the application.



5. 지원일정 : 2020. 2. 3 ~ 2020. 3. 12 


6. 문의처    : 1) 홈페이지  https://www.meiji.ac.jp/cip/english/programs/mjlp/summer.html

                 2) 이메일  mjlp@meiji.ac.jp

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