글번호 : 47951466

작성일 : 14.12.01 | 조회수 : 207

제목 : Intl. Conference for 60th Anniversary of HUFS 글쓴이 : eu-center
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

HUFS-HRI EU Centre organized an international conference on November 7th. The conference under the title: “60 Years of Foreign Studies, Pro Centesimus Annus" was held in Aegyoung Hall in International Building at HUFS Seoul Campus. Professor Kim Si Hong the Director of HUFS – HRI EU Centre delivered opening address followed by welcoming remarks by professor Kim In Chul – HUFS President and congratulatory remarks by Yun Duk Min – President of Korea National Diplomatic Academy. Professor Park Jai Chang – Endowed Chair Professor from Language and Diplomacy Division at HUFS – delivered keynote speech.
The conference was composed of three sessions organized by HUFS-HRI EU Centre jointly with 8 other research institutes. Experts and specialists delivered presentations and discussed about the development of foreign studies – China, India, Spain, Mexico, US, France etc. in Korea over past 60 years and addresses possible implications for further development of this field in the future.
Around 150 academics, researchers and students participated in the conference.





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