글번호 : 93854041

작성일 : 17.07.06 | 조회수 : 848

제목 : The advertisement for participants of study. (Coleen dwyer) 글쓴이 : TESOL대학원
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.
Hello! My name is Coleen and I am seeking participants for my study.

My study will be about improving L2 speakers' suprasegmental (stress and intonation) pronunciation features by using multimedia and focus on form discussions.
There will be some focus on forms practice, but that is necessary.
This is a qualitative case study and I only need three to four participants in order to have the group discussions. This study is to not only improve your own suprasegmental features, but learn how to implement the methods used in the study in your own classrooms. My goal is to make it easier for teachers to teach pronunciation in a fun, easy, and motivating way. 

The participant has at least upper intermediate to advanced English proficiency with a good grasp on segmental features (no issues with making correct phonetic sounds).
The participant has no history of living abroad in an English L1 country.
(Exception: Issue with suprasegmental features even after living abroad in an English L1 country. If this is the case, a brief interview will be conducted for the study.)
The participant is flexible in terms of hours of availability as instruction/treatment time still needs to be decided. We will be meeting three times a week for one month, but hours may vary. I understand that most of us are working full time and I will be, too. I would like to work around all of our schedules. : )
The participant has enthusiasm! 
Please e-mail me at coleencdwyer@gmail.com if you are interested! I promise this will be a fun study and snacks and drinks will be provided at every session. We will have a lot of meaningful conversations and improve our skills!

Thank you!
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