Article No. : 96986668

작성일 : 17.09.29 | 조회수 : 309

제목 : Evaluation of Thesis Guidance(I, II)-2017 fall semester Writer : 대학원
Attached file Attached file: Thesis Proposal form(sample).hwp 논문제안심사+평가서(Form of Evaluation).hwp

 2017학년도 2학기 학위논문제안 심사평가 (논문지도 I, II 수강자)의 일정 및 절차를 아래와 같이 알려드리오니 논문제안심사 후 "학위논문제안 심사평가서"를 12. 8()까지 대학원 교학처에 제출해 주시기 바랍니다.



1. Subject : Those who registered Thesis Guidance I or II


2. Evaluation Process 

1) Submit Thesis Proposal to thesis advisor professor. When students submit the proposal form, they should also submit the form of evaluation(attached).

2) Each department will make the schedule and do the process of Thesis Proposal presentation between October 16(Mon) and December 8(Fri).


3. Submit the result of evaluation to Graduate School office.

1) Thesis advisor write the evaluation sheet and give it to head professor of each department.

2) Each department submits the evaluation papers of all the students by December 8 to Graduate School office. 

3) If the evaluation paper do not arrive by December 8, students should retake the same Thesis Guidance later.


4. Notice

1) The score of Thesis Guidance evaluation should be 71 or above out of 100.

2) If the score is 70 or below, students should retake the Thesis Guidance.

3) Please use each department's seminar room or classroom for presentation.



2017. 9.


Graduate School

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