글번호 : 89303975

작성일 : 17.03.23 | 조회수 : 243

제목 : Dr. Graham Crookes in Seoul March 25. 글쓴이 : 영어교육전공
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.
Dr. Graham Crookes, renowned for his studies in Second Language Acquisition theory and the relationship between SL theory and teaching, innovation and critical SL teacher education, analysis of scientific text, and aspects of task-based language curriculum and task design, is coming to Seoul.

He will be speaking at the Seoul KOTESOL Chapter conference March 25th at Hanyang University under the conference theme "Enhancing Classroom Interaction and Student-Teacher Dynamics."

See more information at http://koreatesol.org/content/13th-annual-seoul-kotesol-conference


Dr. Graham Crookes is Professor in the Department of Second Language Studies (SLS), and also has administrative responsibilities there as Executive Director, ESL Programs (with oversight of the English Language Institute [ELI] and the Hawai'i English Language Program [HELP]). He received his Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and his MA in ESL from the University of Hawai'i.
Dr. Crookes’s specialties include the methodology of second language teaching and teacher development (including practice teaching supervision and more recently, philosophy of teaching).
He has published in academic journals such as “Language Learning,” “TESOL Quarterly,” “Applied Linguistics,” and “Studies in Second Language Acquisition.” Topics he has addressed in print include the analysis of scientific text, dyadic interaction for SLA, aspects of task-based language curriculum and task design, SLA theory, the relationship between SL theory and teaching, SL practice teaching, planning in SL speech production, discourse analysis of SL speech, SL motivation, critical action research, SL teachers' working conditions, innovation in SL curricula, critical SL teacher education, SL program advocacy, and SL critical pedagogy.
He was co-editor (with Sandra Gass) of a two-volume series on task-based language teaching (“Tasks in a Pedagogical Context” and “Tasks and Language Learning”) published in 1993. In 2003 he published “A Practicum in TESOL: Professional Development through Teaching Practice,” and his most recent books are “Values, Philosophies, and Beliefs in TESOL” (2009) and “Critical ELT in Action” (2013).
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