글번호 : 30813279

작성일 : 13.10.31 | 조회수 : 522

첨부파일 첨부파일: ISO_MCIH_Application_Form.docx
Master Chef in HUFS is BACK!
◆Master Chef in HUFS!
It’s a cooking competition about cooking your own country’s dishes and introducing your own culture.
◆When? November 9th Saturday 10:00am~2pm ...
◆Where? The Cooking academy near Jegi-dong subway station.
- 8 teams will participate and 4~5 people in each team.
(If you are the only one from your country, you can make team with the people from the other countries. But in this case, the name of your team will be the nationality of your dishes. Even if there’s more than one team from the same country, if the applications of both “countries” gets selected more than one team of the same country can participate in the contest. We will only allow 5 people in a team, but another maximum of 2 “assistants” are allowed to help.
-After you have formed a team, fill out the application form and send it to hufsiso@gmail.com.
-Registration period is from October 31st Thursday till November 3rd Sunday.
We will post the result on Facebook and our homepage (iso.hufs.ac.kr) on November 4th Monday at 5pm.
-you must cook at least 2 different kinds of dishes.
-except plates for competition (one plate for one kind of dish), you have to make enough food for 20people (paper cup-sized)
-you have to cook all the dished within 150 minutes (2hour and a half hours)
Before you cook, there would be a brief presentation, where you introduce your team, your country and the dishes you will cook. After the cook-off, all the participants and ISO staff will be judges and decide on the winning team. And then of course, we’ll be eating!
◆Benefits of participating
-ISO will sponsor each team 80,000Won to purchase ingredients.
(In this case, please buy the ingredients by yourself first and then hand in the receipts afterwards, to claim the money. NOTICE: HAND-WRITTEN RECEIPTS ARE NOT ALLOWED!!!)
◆- There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.

Which team will be the winner this semester?!
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