글번호 : 183867853

작성일 : 24.04.11 | 조회수 : 1617

제목 : [러시아 MGIMO] Summer School 2024 in Geneva Switzerland 글쓴이 : 국제교류팀
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

우리 대학 자매대학교인 러시아 MGIMO에서 주관하는 여름방학 해외계절학기 프로그램을 아래와 같이 안내하오니 관심있는 학생들의 참여 바랍니다.


※ 학점 인정 가능 여부는 인정받을 전공 학과 국외교류 내규 및 승인사항에 따름

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- 아    래 -

We are pleased to share with you  that the registration for the MGIMO Summer School 2024 in Geneva  is open now.

From July 14 to July 25, 2024, MGIMO University (Moscow, Russia) along with the Swiss School of International Relations (Geneva, Switzerland) conducts an International Summer School for students of high schools (starting from the age of 14), students of colleges and universities.

The School  program includes an educational block, consisting of lectures and interactive master classes from leading experts and practitioners in the fields of international relations, economics, management and international law, as well as an extensive excursion program visiting organizations and cultural sites in Geneva, such as the UN Department in Geneva, the UN Economic Commission for Europe, the World Meteorological Organization, the WTO, WIPO, the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent, the IOC Olympic Museum in Lausanne and many others.

The working language of  the School is English, which will allow participants to improve their communication skills in foreign language.

The cost of the International Summer School is 2000 EuroThe price includes a 10-day stay in Switzerland (accommodation in 2-day studio-type rooms on the Swiss School campus (no additional payments, the number of places is limited) or in 3-stars IBIS hotels (with an additional payment of 500 Euro), 2 meal a day (on weekdays), picking up from the airport and transfer, educational and excursion programs, including field trips to Bern and Lausanne.

After signing a contract and paying, School participants receive an official invitation to apply for a visa to Switzerland. For minor participants (under 18 years old) there will be an accompanying person in Geneva from the School staff.

More detailed information about the School is presented on the official website:  https://www.ssir.swiss/summer-school-mgimo-international-eng/

Contact person at MGIMO University: Mrs. Ekaterina Orlova, the International office, telephone No: +7(495) 234 84 61, e-mail: e.orlova@inno.mgimo.rumobile telephone No: +7(926) 082 21 79.

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