글번호 : 138600160

작성일 : 20.06.19 | 조회수 : 754

제목 : [미국 SUNY Oswego] Online Sessions 글쓴이 : 국제교류팀
첨부파일 첨부파일: Biomedical and Health Informatics info session.png Human-Computer Interaction info session.png ILEC Online ESL seminars this summer at SUNY Oswego.png

미국 SUNY Oswego 에서 진행하는 online sessions 를 아래와 같이 안내 드리오니 여러분의 많은 참여 바랍니다.

관심있는 학생을 위해서, 시차를 고려하여 시간을 따로 잡아줄 수 있다고 합니다.

궁금한 점은 02) 2173-2067 또는 amielee1106@hufs.ac.kr 로 연락 바랍니다.


-  아      래  -


•June 23 at 9:30 AM EDT: Virtual introduction to Human-Computer Interaction with Dr. Damian Schofield (Zoom)
•June 24 at 9:30 AM EDT: Virtual introduction to Biomedical & Health Informatics with Dr. Isabelle Bichindaritz


The sessions above provide your students with an excellent opportunity to personally connect with the Directors of SUNY Oswego's top STEM graduate programs. No registration is required, they only need to log into the Zoom meeting at the scheduled time. Marketing materials are attached. Students will have the chance to attend and learn more about these excellent degree programs.



•Session I: June 22-July 10 (3 weeks)
•Session II: July 20 - August 8 (3 weeks)
•Mondays and Wednesdays, 10AM-12PM (EDT)


This is a great opportunity for students who are seeking to improve their language skills. Please let us know if you are interested, we might be able to arrange a different time for you. The flyer is attached.


•"Standing out in IT and Tech: How a U.S. education can help you find your dream job" by International Enrollment Manager, Maria Kopnitsky
•"Support for non-traditional international students in the U.S." by Hanna Lee, SEVIS and International Services Coordinator
•"Overcoming challenges in studying abroad" by International Recruitment and Partnership Specialist, Helena Zhao


Each of the meetings above - along with a general information session about SUNY Oswego - can be offered to your students (or staff!) based on their needs and preferences. We can conduct them through Zoom or Skype, for as short as 30 minutes or as long as one hour, at a time that is convenient for you.

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