글번호 : 132663058
작성일 : 20.02.05 | 조회수 : 1778
제목 : [일본 J. F. Oberlin University] Summer Session 2020 | 글쓴이 : 국제교류팀 |
첨부파일: J. F. Oberlin University Summer Session 2020.pdf | |
본교 자매대학교인 일본 오비린대학교(J. F. Oberlin University) 에서 Summer Session 2020 을 진행하기에 아래와 같이 안내 드립니다.
- 아 래 -
1. 프로그램 : 해외연수 일본어
2. 대학소재지 : 일본 Tokyo (東京都町田市)
3. 수학기간 : 2020. 6. 13 ~ 7. 25 (3개 세션, 각각 선택 가능)
4. 지원일정 : ~ 2020. 4. 1
5. 프로그램 상세
>>Program fee & Financial Aid : >>Application: Application Period: January 15th – April 1st 2020 >>Required documents: – Copy of passport – Completed medical form (This can be downloaded after applying.) – Official transcript from your current school >>Online Application: https://jfou-e-ryugaku.secure.force.com/in/ >>Accommodation J. F. Oberlin University has contracted Sakura House and Sakura Hotel to house students in their residence halls. These two housing options are located in the Tokyo metropolitan area.
Booking is made on a first-come, first-served basis. About Accommodations: https://www.sakura-hotel.co.jp/oberlin/index.php Housing Application Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdhF0mrdBO0nw0FV-UI8w_d0Gw6dwA-os5eB1SiyMr7aeVdqA/viewform WHY CHOOSE J.F.OBERLIN UNIVERSITY >>Voices from Participants (Interview Movies)
6. 문의처 : 1) 홈페이지 https://oip.obirin.ac.jp/international-programs/j-f-oberlin-university-summer-session/ 2) 첨부 브로셔 참조