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 성명/보직  정상욱 / 조교수
e-mail  sanguk.jung@hufs.ac.kr
연락처  02-2173- 3173(연구실 교수회관 607호)
연구분야  마케팅 모델링, 빅데이터, 소셜 네트워크, 모바일, Virtual World


- PhD, Marketing, University of Iowa, 2012

- MA, Statistics, Columbia University of New York, 2007

- BA, Business Administration, Seoul National University, 1998



Years Professional Experience
 2014-present    Assistant Professor of Marketing, HUFS
2012-2014    Assistant Professor of Marketing, University of Auckland


 Professional Interests







Marketing Analytics, Social Network, Social Influence, Mobile Apps, Mobile/Online Gaming(MMORPG), Social Media, Empirical Generalization, Online Auction, Culture & Consumers,  Business History, and Weather Marketing





- Seo, Y., and Jung, S. “Beyond solitary play in computer games: the social practices of eSports”, Journal of Consumer Culture, forthcoming.


Jung, S., John Zhu, and Thomas Gruca (2016), "Meta-analysis of correlations between market share and other brand performance metrics in FMCG markets," Journal of Business Research, 69, 5901-5908.


- Park, B., and Jung, S. (2016), "Literature review on the contributions of inward FDI to host country development: Meta-analyses," International Journal of Multinational Corporation Strategy, 1(2), 155-177. 

Park, J., and Jung, S. (2016) "Growth history and survival strategies of SK Hynix," The Review of Business History, 31(2), 5-32.

- Ko, D., Seo, Y., and Jung, S. (2015), “The Influence of cultural congruence on perceived risk and trust in online-purchase decisions: processing fluency as a mediator,Marketing Letters, 26(3),377-390.

- Park, J., Kang, S., and Jung, S. (2015), "Growth history and future vision of SK Telecom,” The Review of Business History, 30(3), 5-33.

- Jung, Sang-Uk (2015), “Can brand equity explain excess loyalty?” Asia Marketing Journal, 17(1), 27-39.  

- Jung, S., Thomas Gruca, and Lopo Rego (2010), “Excess loyalty in CPG markets: a comprehensive examination, Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science, 14(1), 1-13.

-Identifying High Value Customers in a Network: Network Structure Versus Social Network, Global Business Research Journals, Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Banking, 2015-07-19

-Valuing Customers in a Network, City University of Hong Kong, China Marketing International Conference Proceeding, 2015-07-24



- "Identifying High Value Customers in a Network: Individual Characteristics Versus Social Influence," Sang-Uk Jung, Qin Zhang, and Gary J. Russell, under review at Journal of Marketing Research.

 - "Assessing the Link between Athletic Success, Academic Prestige and Alumni Giving," under review at Economics Letters.


-"Do Product Domains Influence Dynamics of Friendship Networks and Purchase Behaviors?" under review at Marketing Science.


- "Understanding Demand Dynamics in Online Auction Markets," Paolo Goes, Sang-Uk Jung, and Arvind Tripathi.


- "Does the Consumer's Prior Experience with a Product Influence Information Selection and Distortion?" under review at Psychologia.


- "Consumer Segmentation in Weather Attitude and Sensitivity," Sangkil Moon, Jae Hwan Kwon, and Sang-Uk Jung, under review at Journal of Marketing.