


Yunjeong Yang

Yunjeong Yang is Associate Professor at the Graduate School of International and Area Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea, which she joined in 2011 and has been leading international development studies. 

Her research interests include community participation in development policies and practices; participatory action research; later life and ageing in communities; and empowering women and gender equality surrounding work and care. Her current research addresses effectiveness of Korean NGO's development project in Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Myanmar and the Philippines), applying a participatory approach and also looking at any gendered impact. Her articles appeared in many international journals including Community Development Journal (Oxford), Journal of International Development (Wiley), Gender & Development (Tylor & Francis), Ageing & Society (Cambridge), Journal of Women & Aging (Taylor & Francis) and others. 

Yunjeong served as Chair of the International Cooperation Committee at the Korean Association of International Development and Cooperation (KAIDEC; 2014-16) and currently sits as Board member (2019-present). She holds a PHD in Social Policy from University of Oxford (UK) and can be contacted at: Yunyang@hufs.ac.kr. 

URL: http://ids.hufs.ac.kr/https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yunjeong_Yang 

 Understanding state-society relations and collaboration in participatory development; NGOs, civil society engagement in development cooperation; climate change and disaster risk reduction, in particular in relation to Southeast Asia; empowering women and gender equality; wellbeing in old age and social policy.
Referred journal articles (*SSCI, +Scopus)
Shakya, M. and Yang, Y. 2019. Migration as a window of women’s empowerment: Nepalese women’s experiences in South Korea. Gender & Development, 27(1): 105-22

Yang, Y. 2017. Aging in community and local NGOs: empowering marginalized older women in South Korea, Journal of Women & Aging* DOI:10.1080/08952841.2017.1392066, published online 23 October 2017. http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/i5GxeWU8fCZmGWGcIVvb/full


Yang Y. 2017. The role of NGOs in enabling elderly activity and care in the community: A case study of Silver Wings in South Korea. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology+ doi:10.1007/s10823-017-9323-7, published online 6 May 2017 http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10823-017-9323-7


Yang Y. 2017. Participation in development: learning from past and present in the Republic of Korea. UN-ESCAP Asia-Pacific Development Journal, 23(2): 81-103. http://www.unescap.org/resources/asia-pacific-development-journal-vol-23-no-2-december-2016


Yang Y. 2016. Commitments and challenges in participatory development: A Korean NGO working in Cambodia. Development in Practice+, 26(7): 853-64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09614524.2016.1210086


Yang Y. 2016. Community participation for sustainable rural development: revisiting South Korean rural modernization of the 1970s. Community Development Journal* doi: 10.1093/cdj/bsw023, first published online: 11 July 2016, http://cdj.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2016/07/11/cdj.bsw023.full


Yang Y. 2016. Les femmes sud-coréennes face au vieillissement [Women ageing in South Korea]. Korea Analysis: en direct de Corée, Février 2016 – no. 9: 15-9 (in French).


Yang Y. 2015. Saemaul Undong revisited: A case of state-society dynamics in social capital mobilisation, focusing on the role of local leaders in South Korea of the 1970s. Journal of International Development*, published online 10 August 2015 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jid.3048/abstract


Yang, Y. 2014. Ageing Korea: about women and beyond. Social Security Studies, 20: 11-26, Beijing: Renmin University of China (in Chinese).


Yang Y. and Choe Y. 2014. 신제도주의적 관점에서 본 스웨덴 복지모델과 기업의 시간제 근로 운영 사례 [The Swedish model and business practices regarding part-time work: the new institutionalism approach]. 한국사회정책 Korean Social Policy Review 20(1): 9-46 (in Korean).


Yang, Y. 2013. What makes older people vulnerable in later life: Multi-dimensional deprivations in old age. Social Security Studies 18: 32-40, Beijing: Renmin University of China (in Chinese).


Girma, B. and Yang, Y. 2013. Microfinance and women’s economic empowerment in Ethiopia: Addis Credit and Saving Institution. The Korean Journal of Area Studies 31(2): 233-56.


Yang, Y. 2012. Is adjustment to retirement an individual responsibility? Socio-contextual conditions and options available to retired persons: the Korean perspective. Ageing & Society* 32(2): 177-95. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0144686X11000183, Published online: 17 March 2011


Yang, Y. and Chung, Y. 2011. 노인일자리사업 정책결정·집행과정에서의 ‘이용자 참여’에 관한 연구 [Seniors’ Job Programme and user involvement in policy-making and implementation process]. 한국노년학 Journal of the Korean Gerontological Society 31(4): 885-904 (in Korean).


Yang, Y. and Chung, Y. 2011. 고령화 정책결정과정과 권력 재분배적 이용자 참여 연구: 영국 고령화자문포럼 사례를 중심으로 [In search for a distributive user involvement in policy-making process on ageing: a case study of UK Advisory Forum on Ageing]. 한국사회정책 Korean Social Policy Review 18(2): 143-73 (in Korean).


Yang, Y. 2011. No way out but working? Income dynamics of young retirees in Korea. Ageing & Society* 31(2): 265-287. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0144686X1000084X, Published online: 15 November 2010
Book chapters & Commissioned reports
Yang Y. 2019. Assessing Korean Aid supported Disaster Risk Reduction Management Projects in Southeast Asia: Humanitarian assistance in the Philippines and in Myanmar. Final report submitted to Korea NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation (KCOC).

Yang Y. 2018. Women and gender ideology in ageing Korea. In Thomas R. Klassen, Masa Higo, Nopraenue S. Dhirathiti, and Theresa W. Devasahayam (eds),Ageing in Asia-Pacific: Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives, Routledge, pp. 64-77.   https://www.routledge.com/Ageing-in-Asia-Pacific-Interdisciplinary-and-Comparative-Perspectives/Klassen-Higo-Dhirathiti-Devasahayam/p/book/9781138550421


Yang Y. 2014. 농촌개발, 도시화, 공동체발전[Rural development, urbanization and community development]. In 국제개발협력해설서[KAIDEC Companion to International Development Cooperation]published by Korean Association of International Development and Cooperation (KAIDEC).


Yang, Y. and Chung, S. 2013. Korean women and retirement. In Klassen, Thomas R. and Y. Yang (eds), Korea’s Retirement Predicament: The Ageing Tiger, Routledge Advances in Korean studies No. 28. http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415644105/
Media exposures & Others

KAIDEC 뉴스레터 2018-9호/ 회원기고: 재난위험경감사업 국제개발협력현장 미얀마에서. [Field Report: Korean aid-supported DRR project in Myanmar]

KAIDEC 뉴스레터 2016-5호/ 회원기고: 제2회 아시아개발학연구 국제심포지움 주관후기 [Convening the Second Symposium of Asian Development Studies]

KAIDEC 뉴스레터 2016-1호/ 회원기고: 새마을운동, 과연 주민참여형 농촌개발 모델 맞나? [Can we understand Saemaul Undong as a community participatory rural development model]

한겨레신문/국제. 2015.8.24. [조모 콰메 순다람 UN-FAO 사무차장 인터뷰] ‘국가간 불평등은 모든 국가의 문제 – 함께 대안 찾아야’ [Interview with Jomo Sundaram, Assistant Director General od UN-FAO: 'Global inequality is every country's issue; we have to find solution together.'] http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/international/internationalunit/705832.html

한겨레신문/칼럼. 2014.4.21. ‘2014 사회발전지수로 본 한국의 자화상과 미래’ [Korea's current state and its future by 2014 Social Progress Index] http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/opinion/because/633853.html

노동시장 활동 중심의 ‘활동적 노화(Active Ageing)’와 그 한계. KLI International Labour Brief, 2011, 9(3): 49-62, 한국노동연구원. [Policy discourses and limitations of labour-force-participation-centered 'active ageing']. KLI international Labour Brief, 9(3); 49-62, Korean Labour Institute (in Korean).

Slected conference papers (last three years)

Performances and challenges in Korean aid-supported community-based disaster risk reduction projects carried out in Ayeyarwaddy, Myanmar. Special Forum on International Development Cooperation co-organized by KBFSW and KCOC, Seoul, 11 July 2019. (in Korean)


Assessing disaster risk reduction management projects carried out by Global Care in Tacloban city, Philippines. KAIDEC Winter Symposium - Hummanitarian Assistance Session organized by KOIKA and KCOC, Seoul, 7 December 2018. (in Korean)


Participatory governance for sustainable cities and communities in the ageing world: South Korean initiatives. DSA2018: Global Inequalities, Manchester, UK, 27-29 June 2018.


Participatory governance and older citizens: national and local strategies in ageing Korea. The Third International Symposium on Ageing and Old-Age in Asia-Pacific, Melbourne, Australia, 11-12 October 2017.

Community-based aging and local NGOs: selected Older People’s Self Help Groups in South Korea. The IAGG 21st World Congress, San Francisco, 23-27 July 2017.


South Korean senior citizens’ needs and policy responses towards aging in communities. The Joint East Asian Studies Conference, London, 7-9 September 2016.


Women and gender ideology in aging Korea. The 2nd Annual Symposium on Ageing and Old-Age in Asia-Pacific, Mahidol University, Thailand, 30 June-2 July 2016.


Ageing in communities in South Korea: A case study of Silver Wings, HelpAge Korea’s Older People Self-Help Group initiative in Bucheon, Long-Term Care for Elderly in ASEAN Plus Three, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, 1-2 March 2016.


How participatory are they? The strengths and challenges of participation in the Older People Self Help Group initiative in South Korea, Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development, Seoul, 27-30 June 2016.


Participation in development: learning from past and present South Korean practices. The 2nd North-East Asia Development Cooperation Forum, Tokyo, 31 Oct-1 Nov 2015


Participation as a keyword to development: from the past of the South Korean development to the future of development cooperation. The 6th Annual Symposium of the Consortium for Asian and African Studies (CAAS), HUFS, Seoul, 27-28 October 2015.


‘Struggling between’ ‘Conforming and peace’ and ‘rejecting and conflicts’?: Women ageing in the context of gender/family norm flux. IAGG ASIA/OCEANIA 2015, Chiang Mai, 19-22 October 2015.


Participatory community development or elite-driven economic development? Revisiting Korean rural modernization via Saemaul Undong of the 1970s. DSA Annual Conference, Bath, UK, 7-8 September 2015