

Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation

Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation The Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation (GSIT) was established in 1979 as the first of its kind in Asia, with the mission to produce international conference interpreters and professional translators.
It is Asia’s only educational institution for interpretation and translation recognized by the International Association of Conference Interpreters. From 1999 through 2005, GSIT was selected for BK 21, a project by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development to cultivate advanced manpower. Accordingly, it participated in a specialized project team to cultivate professionals in interpretation and translation. In 2004, GSIT became the first institution in Asia to become a member of CIUTI (Conference Internationale D'instituts Universitaires de Tranducteurs et Interpretes). Keeping pace with the international trends and continuing to evolve, it is contributing to the national development.

1. Faculty Lee In-Seop, Ph.D. (Univ. of Jordan)Arabic Morphology
Kim Jin-Ah, Ph.D. (Fudan Univ.)Contemporary Chinese Usage
Lim Hyang-Ok, Ph.D. (Illinois State Univ.)Education
Won Jong IK, Ph.D.(Univ. de Paris IV)French Literature
Ahn In-Kyoung, Ph.D. (Univ. of Bochum)German Linguistics
Bahng Gyo-Young, Ph.D. (HUFS)Russian Literature
Han Won-Dug, Ph.D. (Univ. Complutense of Madrid)Applied Linguistics, Spanish Education
Kim Han-Sik, M.A. (HUFS)Interpretation and Translation(Korean-Japanese)
Kwak Joong-Chol, Ph.D. (Univ. Kyunghee)Journalism
Lee Chang-Soo, Ph.D. (Boston Univ.)English Linguistics
Chung Yon-Il, M.A. (HUFS)Interpretation and Translation(Korean-English)
Jeong Cheol Ja, Ph.D. (Univ. of Sydney)Linguistics
Choi So-Hee, Ph.D. (Univ. of Paris III)Interpretation and Translation(Korean-French-English)
Hwang Ji-Youn, Ph.D. (Univ. of Peking)Chinese Politics
Kim Jong Duck,Ph.D(Univ. of Tokyo)Japanese Literature
Bermudez Francisco M,A. (Univ. of America)English Linguistics
Scheer Carolyn Barclay, M.A. (Univ. of NewYork)TESOL
Charles La Shure, M.A. (Seoul National Univ.)Korean Literature
Kneider Hans Alexander, M.A (Univ. of Bochum)Korean Studies
Steven D. Capner, Ph.D. (Univ. of Montana)Physical Education
Anneliese Stern-ko, M.A. (Univ. of Marburg)German Linguistics
Tamara Kaplan, M.A. (Far Eastern National Univ.)Oriental Philosophy
Mohamed Abd Elgadr Abdalla, Ph.D. (Omdurman Islamic Univ.)Arabic Linguistics
Michael Hienz, M.A. (Truman State Univ.)Arts in Education
Pourcelot Thomas, M.A(Univ. of Clermont Ferrand)International Relations
Andreas Schirmer, Ph.D.(Universitat Wien)German Language and Literature

2. The Master's Programs

Two-Language Programs

Korean-English / Korean-French / Korean-German/ Korean-Russian,
Korean-Spanish / Korean-Chinese / Korean-Japanese / Korean-Arabic

Three-Language Programs

Korean-English-French / Korean-English-German,
Korean-English-Russian / Korean-English-Spanish,
Korean-English-Chinese / Korean-English-Japanese,

1) Admission Eligibility

Applicants should have a Bachelor's degree, or should be recognized by the Ministry of Education as having the equivalent qualifications

Admission Timetable

To be announced via web site:(http://www.hufs.ac.kr/gra)

Admission Requirements

Written tests on the major subjects and foreign language(s) or Oral test (or interview)

2) Requirement for the Master's Degree are as Follows

- A minimum of 44 credit hours as advised by program supervisor with the minimum grade point average of 3.00 out of the maximum of 4.50 points.

- Two years(four semesters) of residence.

- A qualifying examination in two selected fields.

- A thesis written under the supervision of an advisory professor in the department

- The oral defense of the thesis conducted under a committee of three professors.

3. The Doctoral Programs Korean-English / Korean-French / Korean-German / Korean-Russian/Korean-Spanish / Korean-Chinese / Korean-Japanese/ Korean-Arabic

1) Admission Eligibility

Applicants should have a Master's degree, or should be recognized by the Ministry of Education as having the equivalent qualifications

Admission Timetable

To be announced via web site:(http://www.gsit.hufs.ac.kr)

Admission Requirements

Written tests on the major subjects and foreign language(s) or Oral test (or interview)

2) Requirement for the Doctoral Degree are as Follows

- A minimum of 36 credit hours as advised by program supervisor with the minimum grade point average of 3.00 out of the maximum of 4.50 points.

- Two years(four semesters) of residence.

- A qualifying examination in three selected fields.

- Proficiency test in the foreign language

- A dissertation written under the supervision of an advisory professor in the department

- The oral defense of the dissertation conducted under a committee of five professors.

Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation|TEL. +82-2-2173-2433   E-Mail. gsit@hufs.ac.kr HOMEPAGE
