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글번호 : 135024402 글쓴이 : 관리자
김광호 교수

김광호 교수는 서울대학교 사회학과를 졸업하고 동 대학 행정대학원에서 석사학위를 취득하였으며 미국 Pennsylvania State University에서 경영학박사학위를 받았다. 한국외국어대학교에 재직하기 전에는 홍콩에 위치한 City University of Hong Kong에서 조교수로 근무했다. 김광호 교수의 주요 연구 분야는 international business, social network theory, competitive dynamics, and interfirm competition and cooperation 등이다.




02-2173-3167 (연구실) 513호


서울대학교 사회학과 학사
서울대학교 행정대학원 (정책학석사)
Carnegie Mellon University, Heinz School of Public Policy and Management, Master of Science in Public Policy and Management
Pennsylvania State University, Smeal College of Business, Ph.D. in Management and Organization


경력 및 활동 
2013.08 - 현 재 한국외국어대학교 경영대학 부교수
2009.08 - 2013.08 City University of Hong Kong, Assistant Professor
2004.04 - 2004.08 삼성SDS


Interfirm competition and cooperation, Competitive dynamics, Strategic alliances, CEO dismissal and reappointment, Social network theory, Social comparison theory.


-Kim, K-H., Lattemann, C., Il Park, B., & Zhang, W. 2019. New international business theories for China goes global? The importance of institutions, innovativeness and learning. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 14 (1): 2-5.

-Kim, K-H. 2018. Coopetition: Complexity of cooperation and competition in dyadic and triadic relationships. Organizational Dynamics.

-Kim, K-H., Kim, M., & Qian, C. 2018. Effects of corporate social responsibility on corporate financial performance: A competitive-action perspective. Journal of Management, 44 (3): 1097-1118.

-Kim, K-H., Lee, S., & Park, J. 2018. Subsidiary Staff Composition and Repatriation of Earnings: Moderating Effects of Subsidiary Ownership and Age. 국제경영연구, 29 (3): 1-32.

-Kim, M., Xiong, G., & Kim, K-H. 2018. Where does pride lead? Corporate managerial hubris and strategic emphasis. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46 (3): 537-556.

-He, S., Fallon, G., Khan, Z., Lew, Y. K., Kim, K-H., & Wei, P. 2017. Towards a new wave in internationalization of innovation? The rise of China's innovative MNEs, strategic coupling, and global economic organization. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration, 34 (4): 343-355.

-Kim, K-H. 2016. Impacts of Foreign Direct Investment on the Most Centralized Country: Evidence from Kaesong Industrial Complex in North Korea. Thunderbird International Business Review, 58: 305-316

-Kim, K-H. 2016. Cooperative or Competitive in Alliance formation: Alliance Patterns With Respect To Rivals. Canadian Journal of Administratice Sciences. doi: 10.1002/cjas.1364

-Kim, K-H., Kim, T-H., Kim, T-Y., & Byun, H. 2016. Effect of Lateral Partners on Law Firm Performance. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27 (3): 338-354.

-Kim, K-H. 2014. The Impacts of Embeddedness between Investment Banks in M&A on M&A Fees, Journal of Strategic Management (Korea Journal), 17: 93-112

-Kim, K-H., & Tsai, W. 2012. Social Comparison among Competing Firms. Strategic Management Journal, 33: 115-136.

-Ren, H., Gray, B., & Kim, K-H. 2009. Performance of International Joint Ventures: What Factors Really Make a Difference and How? Journal of Management, 35: 805-832.

-Zhang, G., Kim, K-H., & Yang, H. 2012. Are High Status firms More Likely to Be Brokers? Academy of Management Best Paper Proceeding.
학술대회 발표논문 -Kim, K-H. 2016. Embeddedness between Investment Banks and Acquisition Premium in M&A. Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, CA.

-Kim, M-C., Xiong, G., & Kim, K-H. 2016. Where does Pride Lead You? Managerial Hubris and Resource Allocation. Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, CA.

-김광호, 2014. Manager Re-employment after Career Failure in the Major Sports Teams. 경영관련학회 하계 통합학술대회, 대구.

-Kim, K-H., Kim, M-C., Qian, Cuili, & Park, B-I., 2014. Effects of CSR on Firm Financial Performance: A competitive Action Perspective. Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

-Kim, K-H., & Park, B-I., 2014. Being Cooperative or Competitive in Alliance Formation around a Rival. Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

-Park, B-I., & Kim, K-H. 2014. Antecedents for CSR Practices in Small and Medium Sized MNE Subsidiaries: A Stake holder Perspective. Academy of International Business, Vancouver, Canada.

-김광호, 2014. Co-opetition: A Review and Research Agenda. 한국전략경영학회 춘계학술대회, 서울.

-Zhang, G., Kim, K-H., & Yang, H. 2012. Are High Status firms more Likely to Be Brokers? Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA.

-Kim, K-H., Kim, T-H., & Byun, H. 2012. Effect of Lateral partners on Law Firm Performance. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA.


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