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글번호 : 135421061 글쓴이 : 관리자
박정양 교수

박정양 교수는 영국 The University of Edinburgh 경영대학에서 경영학 박사 학위를 취득하였다. 영국 University of Nottingham 경영대학에서 국제경영전략 조교수로 근무하였고 현재 한국외국어대학교 경영대학에 재직하고 있다.

관심 연구분야는 국제화 과정, 국제 전략적 제휴 기업 간 지식 이전 및 학습 등이다.





박사: PhD. The University of Edinburgh, 영국
 석사: MSc. Imperial College London, 영국
 학사: BSc. University College London, 영국


경력 및 활동
2018-현재: 한국외국어대학교 경영대학 조교수
2014-2018: 영국 University of Nottingham 경영대학 조교수


Approaches to the internationalisation process
 Knowledge transfer and learning in international strategic alliances
 MNE CSR in emerging markets


<국제학술지 논문>
- Khan, Z.; Park, J-Y.; Akhtar, P. (2017). “Service multinational enterprises and linkages development in Pakistan”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences.
- Lew, Y. K.; Yu, J.; Park, J-Y. (2017). “The impacts of independent director and CEO duality on performance in the Chinese post-institutional-transition era”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences.
- Lee, H.; Kwak, D.; Park, J-Y. (2017). “Corporate social responsibility in small and medium sized enterprises' supply chains”, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 24, 634-647.
- Park, J-Y.; Harris, S. (2014). “Microfoundations for learning within international joint ventures”, International Business Review, 23(3). 490-503.

< 편저>
- Park, J-Y.; Ha, Y. J.; Lew, Y. K. (2015) “International Joint Ventures and Dynamic Co-learning between MNEs and Local Firms,” in The Rise of Multinationals from Emerging Economies: Achieving a New Balance, Konara, P., Ha, Y. J., McDonald, F. & Wei, Y. (Eds.). Houndmills, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 213-225. (ISBN: 9781137473110)

학술대회 발표논문
- Park, J-Y.; Harris, S. (2017). “The role of social capital in the international collaboration process”, Korean Academy of International Business Conference, Hokkaido University, Japan, 26-29 June.
- Park, J-Y.; Kwak, D. (2017). “Developing the framework for absorptive capacity building within international joint ventures: An interpretive structural modelling approach”, Journal of International Business Studies Paper Development Workshop, 43rd European International Business Academy Conference, Milan, Italy, 14-16 December.
- Park, J-Y.; Harris, S. (2016). “Knowledge and learning in IJV management: A process understanding of a highly successful international joint venture”, Academy of International Business Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA., 27-30 June.
-Lee, H. Kwak, D. Park, J-Y. & Seo, Y. (2015). "Dimensions and contingencies of corporate social responsibility in SME's supply chains", 20th International Symposium on Logistics Conference, University of Bologna, Italy, 5-8 July.
- Park, J-Y. & Harris, S. (2015). "The effects of knowledge flows and subsidiary autonomy within multinational enterprises." 42nd Academy of International Business (UK & Ireland) Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, 16-18 April.
- Park, J-Y. & Harris, S. (2014). "Organizational routines and processes to knowledge sharing in international joint ventures", 40th European International Business Academy conference, University of Uppsala, Sweden, 12-14 December.
- Park, J-Y. & Harris, S. (2013). "International joint ventures embeddedness and knowledge sharing", 40th Academy of International Business (UK & Ireland) Conference, Aston Business School, Birmingham, 21-23 March.
- Park, J-Y.; Harris, S. (2012). "Overcoming institutional barriers to knowledge sharing in international joint ventures", 26th British Academy of Management Conference, Cardiff Business School, UK, 11-13 September.
 - Park, J-Y. (2012). "Knowledge transfer, learning and capability building.", 12th European Academy of Management Doctoral Colloquium, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Netherland, 5-6 June.


학회 주요 활동
2018-현재: 한국국제경영학회 이사
2014-현재: 한국유통학회 이사
2015-현재: 국제경영연구 편집위원
Academy of International Business, European International Business Academy 회원
한국국제경영학회, 한국전략경영학회 종신회원

목록 버튼