교수진 전체

글번호 : 135432579 글쓴이 : 관리자
Chao, Zhang 교수

Chao Zhang (Alan Cheung) is an assistant professor in the College of Business, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. He received his Ph.D. from Korea University. His research focuses on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), behavior psychology, habit formation, mobile application design, Persuasive Technology, and smart car application system. His doctoral dissertation supported by NRFK focused on discovering the car-related mobile application’s persuasive design features, and using experimental and empirical methods to confirm car user’s short-term behavioral change and long-term habit formation. His future research will focus on habit formation design for mobile applications, locating problems in app developing process with accounting data, and Human Computer Intelligent Interaction (HCII). He wants to share the personal motto with anyone who read this introduction: “The only thing greater than the power of the mind is the courage of the heart.”


- John Forbes Nash Jr.






+82-2-2173-2890 (Office)



Ph.D. E-Commerce System, Korea University

 M.A. E-Commerce System, Korea University

B.A. Human Resource Management, Peking University

 B.A. Business Administration, Shandong University of Financial and Economics


경력 및 활동

2016 – present Assistant Professor, College of Business, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

 2016 – 2016 Assistant Professor, Linton School of Global Business, Hannam University

 2016 – 2016 Lecturer, School of Global Service, Sookmyung Women’s University

 2010 – 2012 Factory Automation Department, Hyundai Motor Group

 2003 – 2004 Department of Human Resource Administration, China Life Insurance Company



Online Privacy Protection, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), behavior psychology, habit formation, mobile application design, Persuasive Technology, smart car application system, Human Computer Intelligent Interaction (HCII)


학술대회 발표논문

1. Car App’s Persuasive Design Principles and Behavior Change, 7th International Conference on Internet Technologies & Society, Dec. 6-8, 2016 in Melbourne, Australia


 2. Persuasive Design Principles of Car Apps, 19th International Conference of Business Information System, Jul. 6-8, 2016 in Leipzig, Germany


 3. Privacy Concern of Internet Users in Korea and China: From Cultural Perspectives, 24th Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, Oct. 21-23, 2012 in Maui, Hawaii, USA


 4. Differences in Privacy-protective Behaviors by Internet Users in Korea and China. 2010 Spring Conference of Korea Society of Management Information Systems



Honorary Publicity Ambassador of Gangnam-gu”, Appointed by Mayor of Gangnam-gu, Shin Yeonhee, 2011.02.26  

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