교수진 전체

글번호 : 136419691 글쓴이 : 관리자
유태영 교수

Taeyoung Yoo is Professor at the College of Business, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul. He holds a PhD in Management from Birkbeck College, University of London. His current research interests draw on organizational and institutional changes in the light of identity roles and socio-economic arrangements. Since 2010, he has led a research project, titled “Identity of Korea” and supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea Grant funded by the Korean Government (NRF-2010-330-B00100). His work has appeared in journals such as Administration & Society, Asian Business & Management, Corporate Governance, Organization Studies, Scandinavian Journal of Management, and Technology Analysis and Strategic Management.









1991, 연세대학교 정치학사

1993, 연세대학교 행정학석사

2001, State University of New York (Stony Brook) 기술경영석사

2008, University of London, Birkbeck College 경영학박사

경력 및 활동

1994-1997 공군장교

1997-2003 KTF

2009-현재 한국외국어대학교 경영대학 교수



기업지배구조, 비교경영(Varieties of Capitalism), 조직변동과 정체성, 와인&외식경영



Yoo, T., Jung, D., Son, D., & Bachmann, R. 2023. Who initiates layoffs and affects firm performance? Conflict of interests between active foreign institutional investors and outside directors. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 12(3): 1-15.

Yoo, T. 2023. Path-generating moves in professional identity building: Marriage migrant community interpreters and their institutional environments in South Korea. Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice, 31(3): 395-412.

Yoo, T., & Suh, K. 2022. Experts vs. the public in the evaluation of restaurants: A business ecosystem approach. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 105: 1-10.

Yoo, T., & Koh, Y. 2022. Remains on the board: Outside directors’ behaviour and their survival chance in Korean firms. Asia Pacific Business Review, 28(1): 87-110.

Yoo, T., Schilke, O., & Bachmann, R. 2021. Neither acquiescence nor defiance: Tuscan wineries' “flexible reactivity” to the Italian government's quality regulation system. British Journal of Sociology, 72(5): 1430-1447.

Yoo, T. 2020. How to use language agents for knowledge transfer? Evidence from translators and multinational organizations in Korea. Journal of Knowledge Management, 24(4): 899-919.


Yoo, T. 2019. A trust-based perspective on French political economy: Law and corporate control in corporate governance reform. French Politics, 17(2): 159-183.


Yoo, T. 2018. Country of origin and diners’ perceptions of a cuisine: The moderating effects of culinary and institutional factors. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 42(3): 420-444.


Yoo, T., & Jeong, C. 2017. Consolidating the professional identity of translators: The role of citizenship behaviors. Target: International Journal of Translation Studies, 29(3): 361-387.


Yoo, T., & Koh, Y. 2017. What makes outside directors not to be reappointed? A comparative analysis of behavioral characteristics and expected roles. International Journal of Economic Research, 14(11): 47-61.


Yoo, T. 2017. The performance dimension in symbolic management revisited: The functional role of traditional mechanisms in large Korean firms. Asia Pacific Business Review, 23(1): 116-134.


Yoo, T. 2015. Coexistence of contrasting principles in corporate governance: Two tales of Japanese firms. Corporate Board: Role, Duties & Composition, 11(2, Continued 1): 227-240.


Rhee, M., Park, J., & Yoo, T. 2015. The contradictory roles of ambiguity for innovation in an industry: How beneficial are standardization and classification? Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 27(9): 1114-1128.


Yoo, T., & Nam, G. 2015. An expanded accounting framework for sustainable growth: Focused on the relationship between a focal firm and its stakeholders. South African Journal of Economic & Management Sciences, 18(3): 366-379.


Yoo, T., & Sung, T. 2015. How outside directors facilitate corporate R&D investment? Evidence from large Korean firms. Journal of Business Research, 68(6): 1251-1260.


Yoo, T., & Jung, D. 2015. Corporate governance change and performance: The roles of traditional mechanisms in France and South Korea. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 31(1): 40-53.


Yoo, T., & Jho, W. 2015. Socioeconomic contexts of government expenditure across OECD countries: A complementary perspective from trust and state-business relations. Administration & Society, 47(2): 122-150.


Yoo. T., & Koh, Y. 2014. Agent or structure for principal-principal conflicts: Audit firms vs. foreign ownership in the Asian context. Asian Business & Management, 13(4): 309-332.


Jho, W., & Yoo, T. 2014. Ideas, networks, and policy change. Explaining strategic privatization in Korea. Korea Observer, 45(2): 179-210.


Rhee, M., Yang, D., & Yoo, T. 2013. National culture and friendship homophily in the multinational workplace. Asian Business & Management, 12(3): 299-320.


Yoo, T., & Rhee, M. 2013. Agency theory and the context for R&D investment: Evidence from Korea. Asian Business & Management, 12(2): 227-252.


Yoo, T., & Lee, S. 2009. In search of social capital in state-activist capitalism: Elite networks in France and Korea. Organization Studies, 30(5): 529-547.


Lee, S., & Yoo, T. 2008. Competing rationales for corporate governance in France: Institutional complementarities between financial markets and innovation systems. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 16(2): 63-76.


Lee, S., & Yoo, T. 2007. Government policy and radical innovation in dirigiste states: A comparative analysis of national innovation systems. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 19(4): 451-470


최누리 & 유태영. 2021. 직장-가정 갈등과 여성관리자의 경력성공: 멘토링의 경력단계별 차별적 조절효과. 기업경영연구, 28(1): 49-75.

이예린, 김준형, 최병철 & 유태영. 2020. 전략적 CSR과 범용적 CSR의 구성비율이 기업의 성과에 미치는 영향. 기업경영연구, 27(1): 1-17.


장석하 & 유태영. 2020. 근로시간단축이 업무몰입에 미치는 영향: 사회적 요인의 매개효과와 기업정책의 조절효과를 중심으로. 조직과 인사관리연구, 44(1): 61-85.


강석종 & 유태영. 2018. 대학가 음식점의 성공요인 분석: 음식, 경영일반, 마케팅의 3가지 요인을 중심으로. 외식경영연구, 21(5): 241-268.


김덕호, 김중화 & 유태영. 2018. 기업지배구조가 기업의 CSR 활동에 미치는 영향: 성과달성의 조절역할 및 인과관계. 고객만족경영연구, 20(2): 47-71.


유태영 & Bachmann, R. 2017. Sense-making in identity construction revisited: Super Tuscan wines and invalidated institutional constraints. 한국조리학회지, 23(6): 143-152.


김태은 & 유태영. 2014. 음식점의 경영성과에 대한 정체성 효과 분석: 조리사의 교욱 경험, 조리기술, 마케팅 활동에 대한 정체성의 조절효과를 중심으로. 외식경영연구, 17(3): 151-174.


유태영 & 권석균. 2013. 위기의 자본주의: 경영과 조직이론에 관한 새로운 이해. 인사조직연구, 27(3): 195-227.


유태영 & 백문영. 2013. What determines corporate R&D investment?An integrated analysis of macroeconomic, financial, and governance factors. 기업경영연구, 20(1): 1-27.


유태영, 백문영, & 장종익. 2012. The effects and limitations of education system on wage: A comparative analysis of education and family capital. 제도와경제, 6(2): 361-383.


이경미 & 유태영. 2012. Multinational corporations and citizenship behaviour: The effects of strategic choices and national institutions. 국제경영연구, 23(2): 1-33.


김두진 & 유태영. 2012. 한국 및 외국음식에 대한 소비자의 지불의사 가격: 행위자 및 제도적 요인의 영향력에 대한 경로분석. 외식경영연구, 15(2): 7-34.


유태영. 2012. Shareholder orientation vs. stakeholder relationship in corporate governance reform: A case analysis of Toyota, Sony, Nissan, and Canon. 한일경상논집, 54(1): 3-43.


유태영. 2011. Competing rationales for corporate governance reform: Capital markets vs. coordinated innovation in France, 1998~2005. 글로벌경영연구, 23(2): 1-40.


유태영. 2010. 녹색성장전략: 기업의 사회적 책임과 재무적 성과를 동시에 달성하는 방안. 한국경제연구, 28(1): 123-151.


유태영. 2009. Dynamic relations between the state and business: A comparative analysis of France and Korea. 한국경제학보, 16(2): 271-313.

정동관, 유태영, 정승국, 김기선, & 류성민. 2015. 인사평가제도 현황과 발전방안에 관한 연구. 한국노동연구원.


권석균, 고영훈, 정환승, 유태영, 최보인, & 정유경. 2015. 한-ASEAN 지역밀착형 인적자본개발을 통한 노동환경 향상 및 창조경제 활성화. 외무부.


홍훈, 김유경, & 유태영. 2015. 2010년 선정 한국사회과학연구지원사업(SSK, 한국의 정체성과 창조적인 미래) 중형(연구단) 결과보고서. 한국연구재단.


정동관, 유태영, & 박노근. 2014. 기업지배구조의 특성이 인적자원관리(HRM)에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구. 한국노동연구원.


유태영, 이무원, & Bachmann, R. 2013. 2010년 선정 한국사회과학연구지원사업(SSK, 한국의 정체성 재발견과 세계화) 소형(연구단) 결과보고서. 한국연구재단.


학회 주요 활동

2005-현재, EGOS(European Group for Organization Studies) 회원

2005-현재, AOM(Academy of Management) 회원

2009-현재, 한국인사조직학회 이사

2011-현재, SASE(Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics) 회원


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