교수진 전체

글번호 : 136419693 글쓴이 : 관리자
양재완 교수
프로필 2111_영준수정_small.jpg

Jaewan Yang earned his Ph.D. in management from Virginia Tech. He was an Assistant Professor at the New York Institute of Technology, and currently, Professor Yang is a faculty member at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. His research interests include strategic human resource management, HR digital transformation (Artificial Intelligence, Workforce /HR Analytics), HR practices implementation, leadership, workplace incivility, and the future of jobs. His recent articles appeared in journals such as Journal of Management (FT 50 journal), Industrial and Labor Relations Review (ILR Review), Tourism Management, Human Resource Management (FT 50 journal), and International Journal of Human Resource Management. Particularly, his research article titled “How a climate for incivility affects business unit performance: Testing a linkage model” received the Best Conference Paper Award from the Academy of Management in 2011. In 2022, he received the ascending scholar award from the Korean Academy of Management. Also, he is a certified professional in human resources by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).



양재완 교수는 미국 Virginia Tech에서 전략적 인적자원관리 전공으로 경영학 박사학위를 받았다. New York Institute of Technology 조교수를 거쳐 현재 한국외국어대학교 경영대학 교수로 재직 중이다대한경영학회, 한국경영학회한국인사관리학회한국인사조직학회리더십학회한국기업경영학회, 한국생산성학회, 한국제품안전학회 등에서 부회장, 학술위원장편집위원분과위원장 (인사조직, 대외협력), 상임이사이사 등을 역임하였으며중앙인사위원회와 감사원 등의 주요 정부 부처와 다수의 한국기업에서 경영진단을 수행하였다. Journal of Management (FT 50 journal), Industrial and Labor Relations Review (ILR Review), Tourism Management, Human Resource Management (FT 50 journal), International Journal of Human Resource Management 등과 같은 해외 저명 저널에 다수의 논문을 발표하였다특히 조직 무례 행동에 관한 연구 “How a climate for incivility affects business unit performance: Testing a linkage model” 전세계 최고 권위의 경영학회인 The Academy of Management에서 2011년도 최우수 논문상을 수상하였으며, 2022년에는 한국인사조직학회로부터 지난 10년간 가장 뛰어난 연구실적을 보여준 학자를 대상으로 수여하는 신진연구자학술상을 수상하였다. 미국 SHRM주관 인사전문가 자격을 보유하고 있으며저서인 "지속가능 경영을 위한 인적자원관리", “백지에 그리는 일자리 포함하여 다양한 저술  연구 활동을 수행 중이다.







02) 2173-3471 (연구실




Ph.D. in Business Administration, Virginia Tech
M.S. in Management, San Diego State University
B.A. and MBA, Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies



경력 활동

-2022 – Present. 대한경영학회지 편집위원장

-2022.  정부업무평가위원회 평가위원

-2022 – Present. 한국외대 국제교류처장외국인유학생종합지원센터장

-2022 – Present. 동원그룹리더십장학재단 이사

-2022. 대한경영학회 학술위원장

-2021 – Present. 한국제품안전학회 학술위원장

-2021.   한국인적자원개발학회 부회장

-2020 – 2022. 한국외대 입학처장

-2020.   조교수 재임  정년보장(조기정년)

-2015 – Present. 한국외대조교수부교수

-2019 – 2020. 한국외대 Global CEO 최고경영자과정 주임교수

-2016 – 2017. 한국외대 국제금융 MBA 학과장

-2016 – 2018. 한국외대 AACSB Committee

-2014 – 2015. New York Institute of Technology, Assistant Professor of HRM and Law

-미국 인사 전문가, certified by SHRM(Society for Human Resource Management)

-한국국방연구원 평가/자문위원

-한국직업능력개발원 인적자본기업패널(Human Capital Corporate Panel: HCCP) 자문교수

-공공부문 역량평가 위원

-산업통상자원부 국가생산성대상 경영평가  심사위원

-중소기업연구원 정책연구과제 평가  자문 위원

-인크루트(Incruit) 면접위원

-한국해외인프라도시개발지원공사(KIND) 외부인사위원

-NCS-HRD 융합포럼 위원

-노사발전재단 외부평가위원


HR digital transformation (Artificial Intelligence, Workforce/HR Analytics), 4차산업과 일자리의 미래증거기반의 경영전략적 인적자원관리 시스템의 구축 활용인사제도의 효과적 실행전략리더십일터에서의 무례함과 태움한국의 사회변화와 인적자원관리 쟁점




 Selected Publications

Yang, J., Kim, Y., & Kim, P.B. (2021). Pushing forward high-performance work systems in the hotel industry: A procedural-justice climate to promote higher unit-level performance.
-Tourism Management (ABDC rank A*: World Elite Journal, 2020 JCR Impact Factor=10.97).

Arthur, J.B., Herdman, A.O., & Yang, J. (2021). Which way to high performance? Comparing establishment- and job-level performance effects of high-involvement, high-commitment, and ability-enhancing HR programs in SMEs.

-Industrial and Labor Relations Review (ILR Review, a premier journal in industrial & labor relations, published by Cornell University, ABDC rank A*: World Elite Journal)

Yang, J. Huang, Y., & Zhou, S. (2021). Emotional labor directed at leaders: The differential effects of surface and deep acting on LMX.
-The International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABDC rank A: Top Journal)

Yang, J. & Arthur, J.B. (2021). Implementing commitment HR practices: Line manager attributions and employee reactions.
-The International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABDC rank A: Top Journal)

Herdman, A. O., Yang, J., & Arthur, J. B. (2017). How does leader-member exchange differentiation in work groups affect teamwork behavior and effectiveness? The moderating role of leader-leader exchange.
-Journal of Management (Financial Times 50 journal, ABDC rank A*: World Elite Journal)

Arthur, J. B., Herdman, A. O., & Yang, J. (2016). How top-management HR beliefs and values affect high-performance work system adoption and implementation effectiveness.
-Human Resource Management (Financial Times 50 journal, ABDC rank A*: World Elite Journal)

Arthur, J. B., Herdman, A. O., & Yang, J. (2011). How a climate for incivility affects business unit performance: Testing a linkage model.
-The winner of the Best Conference Paper Award, the Academy of Management




 HR Digital Transformation

-Artificial intelligence-based hiring: An exploratory study of hiring market reactions (2021)-학부생들과 공저

-Workforce 애널리틱스의 이해와 전략적 활용 (2020)

-인공지능 시대의 지속가능한 인재관리 전략 (2020)


조직무례와 태움

-Thriving organizational sustainability through innovation: Incivility climate and teamwork (2016)

-조직무례가 지식공유에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구변혁적 리더십의 조절효과 (2018)

-How a climate for incivility affects business unit performance: Testing a linkage model (2014)


 전략적 인적자원관리 (Strategic Human Resource Management)

-고몰입작업시스템을 통한 조직 양면성 향상: 사회적 자본과 혁신지향적 조직문화의 역할 (2022)

-사회적 네트워크를 통한 혁신행동의 향상: 지식공유와 내재적 보상의 역할 (2022)

-Pushing forward high-performance work systems in the hotel industry: A procedural-justice climate to promote higher unit-level performance (2021).

-Which way to high performance? Comparing establishment- and job-level performance effects of high-involvement, high-commitment, and ability-enhancing HR programs in SMEs (2021)

-How top-management HR beliefs and values affect high-performance work system adoption and implementation effectiveness (2014)

-Implementing commitment HR practices: Line manager attributions and employee reactions (2021)

-Implementing sustainable human resources practices: Leadership style matters (2020)

-몰입형 인적자원관리시스템의 실행과 사회 친화적 행동정서적 성향의 조절 효과 (2017)

--가정 균형 지각이 고몰입 작업시스템-조직시민행동 간의 관계에 미치는 이중조절효과에 관한 연구 (2017)

-고성과 인적자원관리 제도의 수립  실행이 종업원의 공정성 지각  조직 시민행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 (2016)

-고성과작업시스템의 변화가 인적자원성과와 조직성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 (2020)


-Emotional labor directed at leaders: The differential effects of surface and deep acting on LMX (2021)

-Leveraging leader–leader exchange to enrich the effect of leader–member exchange on team innovation (2020)

-Authentic leadership to shape employee attitudes and happiness at work: A follower-centric perspective (2019)

-How does leader-member exchange differentiation in work groups affect teamwork behavior and effectiveness? The moderating role of leader-leader exchange (2017)




-주요 강연주제: HR/People Analytics, 4차산업혁명 시대의 인적자원관리, 전략적 인적자원관리, 조직 무례와 태움(직장에서의 인간관계), 4차산업혁명/Digital Transformation 노동시장 변화, 다양성/고용차별과 경영혁신, 위기상황의 리더십, Self-leadership 통한 성공과 행복, 경제사회적 충격(e.g., Covid-19) 일하는 방식의 변화, 연구방법론 통계분석


-주요 대상기업: 삼성의료원, 서울아산의료원, 기아자동차, 머니투데이, 월간HRD, 한국국방연구원, 한국직업능력연구원, 한국외대 글로벌 CEO (서울/LA/뉴욕/자카르타 ), Alto University MBA, UNIST (울산과기원)-한국연구재단 HR analytics 포럼, 한국인사관리협회, 대한리더십학회 리더십 특별 세미나, 한국인사관리학회 4차산업혁명 특별 세미나, 한국인사조직학회 연구방법론 세미나




-백지에 그리는 일자리(공저), 국가인재경영연구원, 2021

인적자원관리(지속가능 성장을 위한), 2017(1), 2021(2시대가치 (권석균이병철 공저)

월간 HRD 기고, 2019-2020 ( 6)
미래경영의 성공 방정식경영전략과 전략적 인적자원관리
구성원이라는 존재에 관한 고찰전략적 인적자원관리와 조직성과
의사결정의 딜레마와 조직의 선택최선의 인적자원관리 vs. 최적의 인적자원관리
4. Me-Too
전략의 함정고성과 인적자원관리와 시장실패
시스템 혹은 리더십?: 실행기반의 인적자원관리
예견된 실패?: 인적자원관리와 Business Analytics

월간 HRD 기고, 2021 ( 4)
1. HR
애널리틱스의 확산: 현상과 개념적 본질에 관한 이해
2. HR
애널리틱스와 조직맥락: 구글의 산소프로젝트, 믿어도 될까?
기회 혹은 위기: HR 애널리틱스를 통한 ()가치창출
4. HR
성과 연구: HR 애널리틱스 요구역량과 산학협업

교육시론] 코로나 혹은 4차산업혁명? 대입전형의 방향성, 베리타스 알파, 2021

심층인터뷰] 실효적 조직 변화의 기제-온보딩, 월간 HRD, 2021

) Job Korea, HR executive 기고위원



-안전보건분야 국제협력 로드맵 수립을 위한 사업 조직 진단(2021)
산업현장에 적합한 비상(非常) 고용  휴직제도 연구(2021)
-노사관계인증지표 개발(2021)
중소벤처기업진흥공단 성과보상기금 사업활성화 방안 연구(2019)
-감사원 성과평가제도 국민만족도 조사 모델 개발
-중앙인사위원회 고위직 직무분석 역량평가
-조직건강도 진단 기법 개발 시행한국능률협회
-한국음식업중앙회경쟁력 강화를 위한 조직 진단
-한국문학번역원 인사제도 개선
-한국항로표지기술협회 인사제도 개선
-대한지적공사 역량기반의 인사제도 교육과정 개발
-천안논산고속도로 신인사제도 설계
-롯데알미늄 연구조직 재설계
-한국벤처기업문화연구 프로젝트
-현대경제연구원 조직활성화프로그램 개발 프로젝트


학술대회 발표논문

Yang, J. & Lew, J. (2018). Full-range leadership to promote the effect of high-performance work systems on innovation, a paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL.

Yang (2018). Examining the interactive effect of high-performance work systems and work-family balance on employee work behaviors, a paper presented at the International Symposium on Social Sciences and Management, Osaka, Japan.

Yang (2018). Leadership to mitigate the negative effect of incivility, a paper presented at the International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Science & Humanities 2018, Barcelona, Spain.

Arthur, J. B., Herdman, A. O., & Yang, J. (2017). Firm Performance Effects of High-involvement versus High-commitment HR in the Context of Hotel SMEs, a paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA.

Yang (2017). Examining the effect of leadership on commitment HR implementation, a paper presented at the 4th RSEP Multidisciplinary Conference, Prague, Czech.

Yang, J. & Yoo, T. (2016). The moderating effect of individual affectivity on the relationships between commitment-based HR practices perceptions and prosocial behaviors, a paper presented at the 7th European Business Research Conference, Rome, Italy.

Yoo, T. & Yang, J. (2016). The effect of chefs’ extra-role behavior on restaurant performance: The mediating role of core competence and external evaluation, a paper presented at the 7th European Business Research Conference, Rome, Italy.

Yang, J. (2016). Ramping‐up team innovation support with supervisor's upward relationship, a paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA.

Yang, J. & Arthur, J. B. (2016). Implementing commitment HR Practices: Mediating effect of frontline managers’ commitment HR attributions, a paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA.

Yang, J. (2016). From intentions to implementations of commitment HR systems, a paper presented at the 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Management and Business & The 2nd World Conference on Business and Management‏, Danang, Vietnam.

Yang, J. (2016). The effects of team incivility on team performance, a paper presented at the 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Management and Business & The 2nd World Conference on Business and Management‏, Danang, Vietnam.

Banes, C.M., Yang, J., Zhou, S., & Huang, Y. (2016). Emotional labor toward my boss: Differential effects of surface and deep acting on LMX, a paper presented at the 2nd International Conference of the HR Division (Academy of Management), Sydney, Australia.

Yang, J. & Arthur, J. B. (2015). Implementing commitment HR Practices: Mediating effect of frontline managers’ commitment HR attributions, a paper presented at the 2nd Global Conference on International Human Resource Management‏, State College, PA.

Herdman, A. O., Yang, J., & Arthur, J. B. (2014). Does LMX differentiation affect work group effectiveness? The role of leader-leader exchange, a paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA.

Arthur, J.B., Herdman, A.O. Yang, J. (2014). Involvement or investment? How high involvement work practices affect firm performance and employee outcomes in hotel franchises, a paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Labor and Employee Relations Association, Portland, OR.

Herdman, A. O., Yang, J., & Arthur, J. B. (2013). The role of resources in shaping the consequences of LMX differentiation in work groups, a paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Management Association, New Orleans, LA.

Herdman, A. O., Yang, J., & Arthur, J. B. (2012). The role of leader-leader exchange in shaping the consequences of LMX differentiation in work groups, a paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA.

Arthur, J. B., Herdman, A. O., & Yang, J. (2011). How a climate for incivility affects business unit performance: Testing a linkage model, a paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, San Antonio, TX, HR Division Best Convention Paper.

Yang, J., Herdman, A. O., & Arthur, J. B. (2011). A multi-level analysis of the antecedents of employee engagement, a paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, San Antonio, TX.

Chang, E. & Yang, J. (2002). A study on the culture of Korean venture companies, a paper presented at the Korea Venture Conference, Seoul, Korea.





-신진연구자학술상, 한국인사조직학회(2022)

-우수 논문상, 대한경영학회지(2021)
-우수 논문상, 대한리더십학회 춘계학술대회(2021)
-HR Division Best Conference Paper Award, Academy of Management, San Antonio, 2011
-Jack Hoover Memorial Award for Teaching Excellence, Virginia Tech, 2013
-Hills-Stephens Doctoral Research Award, Virginia Tech, 2014
-Management Summer Research Grant, Virginia Tech, 2012, 2013 (2 times)
-Warren Lloyd Holtzman Graduate Research Excellence Award, Virginia Tech, 2012
-Management Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Virginia Tech, 2012
-Management Early Research Proposal Award, Virginia Tech, 2011
-Litschert Research Award, Virginia Tech, 2011, 2012 (2 times)
-Graduate assistantship 2009-2014, VT

Honor Society
-Phi Kappa Phi, Beta Gamma Sigma, Golden Key International, Scholars without Borders



학회 주요 활동

-대한경영학회, 학술위원장(2022), 상임이사 (2022,2023), 편집위원장(2023)

한국제품안전학회, 학술위원장(2021, 2022, 2023)    
한국기업경영학회, 상임이사 (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)

-한국경영학회이사 (2020, 2021, 2022)

-한국인사관리학회상임이사 (2017,2018,2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023), 대외협력위원장 (2022), 인사분과위원장 (2019, 2021), 조직분과위원장 (2016)
-한국인사조직학회이사 (2018, 2019, 2020), 상임이사 (2021, 2022, 2023), 인사분과위원장 (2021, 2023)
-대한리더십학회대외협력위원장 (2021), 이사 (2019, 2020), 상임이사 (2021, 2022)
-초빙편집위원장 (Guest Editor), 리더십연구 2020 “리더십 사례연구” 특별호
조직과 인사관리연구편집위원 (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2023)
리더십연구편집위원 (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022)
기업경영연구편집위원 (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)

-생산성논집편집위원 (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)

-기업과 혁신연구, 편집위원(2021, 2022, 2023)

-Academy of Management (2009~현재)
-Southern Management Association (2009~현재)
-Reviewer for: Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Journal, International Journal of Human Resource Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Management and Organization, Academy of Management Conference, Midwest Academy of Management Conference, Korea Business Review, 경영학연구대한경영학회지리더십연구조직과 인사관리연구인사조직연구생산성 논집기업경영연구국제경영연구중소기업연구지식경영연구상업교육연구연세경영연구노동정책연구전문경영인연구정보사회와 미디어.


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