교수진 전체

글번호 : 136419694 글쓴이 : 관리자
박노근 교수

박노근 교수는 미국 Rutgers University에서 Industrial Relations and Human Resources 전공으로 박사학위를 받았다. 2013년부터 한국외대 경영대학 교수로 재직중이다. 조직행동, 인적자원관리, 조직민주주의 등을 강의하고 있다.







Ph.D. in Industrial Relations & Human Resources, Rutgers University

M.S. in Economics, Korea University

B.A. in Chemistry, Korea University


경력 활동

2016. 9. – 현재: 한국외국어대학교 경영학부 교수

2014. 3. – 2016. 8: 한국외국어대학교 경영학부 부교수

2013. 3. – 2014. 2: 한국외국어대학교 경영학부 조교수

2008. 3. – 2013. 2: 광운대학교 경영학부 조교수



자율성, 의사결정참여, 성과급, 직원협동조합, 조직민주주의



Park, R., & Kim, J. (in press). Differential effects of autonomy on employee satisfaction and organizational performance depending on the type of financial incentives: Evidence from a four-wave panel of Korean companies. The International Journal of Human Resource Management.

Park, R., Kim, M., & Beehr, T. A. (in press). The structure of ownership and control in organizations: Does organizational identification attenuate the relationships of work-to-family conflict and job strain with job search behavior? Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources.

Park, R. (2023). What if employees with intrinsic work values are given autonomy in worker co-operatives? Integration of the job demands-resources model and supplies-values fit theory. Personnel Review, 52(3), 724-744.

Park, R. & Park, H. (2020). Employee-centered philosophy, high-commitment work practices, and performance: Moderating roles of market environments and Strategies. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resource, 58, 247-267.

Park, R. (2019). Responses to emotional exhaustion: Do worker cooperatives matter? Personnel Review, 48(2), 438-453.

Park, R. (2018). Responses to job demands: Moderating role of worker cooperatives. Employee Relations, 40(2), 346-361.

Park, R. (2018). The roles of OCB and automation in the relationship between job autonomy and organizational performance: A moderated mediation model. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(6), 1139-1156.

Park, R. (2017). Exploring the link between top-down information sharing and organizational performance: The moderating role of flexible manufacturing strategy. Human Resource Management Journal, 27(4), 598-613.

Park, R. & Jang, S. (2017). Mediating role of perceived supervisor support in the relationship between job autonomy and mental health: Moderating role of value-means fit. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(5), 703-723.

Park, R. & Jang, S. (2017). Family role overload’s relationship with stress and satisfaction. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 32(1), 61-74.

Park, R. (2016). Autonomy and citizenship behavior: A moderated mediation model. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 31(1), 280-295.

Jang, S. J., Zippay, A., & Park, R. (2016). Family leave for employed women: Interaction effects of gender discrimination and household responsibilities in South Korea. International Social Work, 59(1), 99-114.

Park, R. (2015). Employee participation and outcomes: Organizational strategy does matter. Employee Relations, 37(5), 604-622.

Park, R., & Kruse, D. (2014). Group incentives and financial performance: The moderating role of innovation. Human Resource Management Journal, 24(1), 77-94

Park, R., & Kim, J. (2013). Individual employees’ responses to group incentives: The moderating role of innovation. Journal of Business & Psychology, 28(2), 175-187.

Park, R. (2012). Attitudes of group incentive participants: The moderating role of human capital level. Group & Organization Management, 37(5), 589-616.

Park, R., & Searcy, D. (2012). Job autonomy as a predictor of mental well-being: The moderating role of quality-competitive environment. Journal of Business & Psychology, 27(3), 305-316.

Park, R. (2012). Cognitive and affective approaches to employee participation: Integration of the two approaches. Journal of World Business, 47(3), 450-458.

Park, R. (2012). Self-managing teams and employee attitudes: The moderating role of capital intensity. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(4),714-730.

Jang, S. J., Zippay, A., & Park, R. (2012). Family roles as moderators of the relationship between schedule flexibility and stress. Journal of Marriage and Family, 74(4), 897-912.

Jang, S. J., Park, R., & Zippay, A. (2011). The interaction effects of scheduling control and work-life balance programs on job satisfaction and mental health. International Journal of Social Welfare, 20(2), 135-143.

Park, R., Appelbaum, E., & Kruse, D. (2010). Employee involvement and group incentives in manufacturing companies: a multi-level analysis. Human Resource Management Journal, 20(3), 227-243.

Park, R., Kruse, D., & Sesil, J. (2004). Does employee ownership enhance firm survival? Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Self-managed Firms, 8, 3-33.



박노근(2022). 자기효능감의 동기부여 역할: 직원협동조합과 자율성의 강화효과. 경영학연구, 51(1), 79-99.

최동철, 박노근(2022). 자기효능감과 직무만족, 직무태민: 직원협동조합의 조절효과. 대한경영학회지, 35(2), 239-260.

박노근(2017). 노동가치관과 직무만족, 직무헌신행동: 직원협동조합의 조절적 역할. 인사조직연구, 25(1), 109-128.

박노근(2014). 개별 근로자 직무성과의 예측자로서의 직무헌신행동: 직무몰입과 직무성과 사이의 관계에서 직무헌신행동의 매개적 역할. 대한경영학회지, 27(5), 801-816.

박노근(2010). 조직몰입과 조직시민행동의 선행자로서의 직무자율성: 기업 혁신성의 조절적 영향. 인사조직연구, 18(2), 67-96.

박노근(2009). 제안제도의 조직몰입에 대한 효과: 인적자본 수준의 조절적 영향. 조직과 인사관리연구, 33(2), 29-47.

박노근(2008). 그룹 인센티브가 근로자주도의 혁신과 기업성과에 미치는 효과: 시장전략의 조절적 영향. 대한경영학회지, 21(1), 279-296.


박노근(2020). 조직 민주주의: 참여와 노동자협동조합. 시대가치.

Kruse, D. Blasi, J., & Park, R. (2010). Shared capitalism in the U.S. economy. In Kruse, D., Freeman, R., & Blasi, J. (eds.), Shared Capitalism at Work: Employee Ownership, Profit and Gain Sharing, and Broad-Based Stock Options (pp. 41-75). The University of Chicago Press.

Park, R. (2008). Employee ownership plans in Korea. In D. Binns (ed.), Employee Financial Participation: An International Survey (pp. 457-478). George Mason University.


Conference Presentation

Park, R. (2017). Relationships of self-efficacy with job satisfaction and job neglect: Do worker cooperatives matter? SIBR Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economic Research, Osaka. SIBR Best Paper Award.

Park, R. (2016). The moderating role of worker cooperatives in the relationship between self-efficacy and job satisfaction. BESSH Conference, Indonesia.

Park, R. (2015). Information sharing as an HRM practice: The moderating role of flexible manufacturing strategy. International Business, Economics, Finance and Management Conference, Japan.

박노근박현희(2015). 인적자원철학, 고몰입작업관행, 조직성과 사이의 관계: 경쟁적 시장환경과 시장전략의 조절적 역할. 대한경영학회.

Park, R., & Jang, S. (2014). The moderating role of needs-means fit in the relationship between job autonomy and mental health. The 2014 WEI International Academic Conference. Antalya, Turkey.

박노근(2009). 직무자율성이 조직몰입과 조직시민행위에 미치는 효과 분석: 혁신성의 조절적 영향. 한국인사조직학회.

박노근(2008). Job autonomy as a predictor of organizational commitment and mental health: The influence of product market. 한국경영학회.

Park, R. (2007). The effects of employee participation plans on employees and employers. LERA 59th Annual Meeting, Chicago. IL.

Park, R. (2006). Effects of simultaneous participation on employee attitudes, behaviors, and firm performance. The 2006 IOOB Conference, Fairfax. VA.

Park, R. (2006). Simultaneous participation, employee attitudes, behaviors, and firm performance. Canadian Industrial Relations Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.

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