
Thesis Forms

글번호 : 95455350

작성일 : 17.08.24 | 조회수 : 4399

제목 : 논문트랙 일정 Thesis Track Schedule 글쓴이 : TESOL대학원
첨부파일 첨부파일: 2024-2 논문 작성 및 제출 일정표(국문).pdf 2024-2 Thesis Track Schedule(English).pdf

Please scroll down to see the whole page from the top to the BOTTOM of this page. (Make sure to check for advisor request form, proposal request form, and proposal presentation method) 

The thesis schedule is fixed with the weeks of the semester. The first week starts on the first week of semester. Each semester has 16 weeks.


 Thesis Schedule




제출서류 및 진행





2학기 이상

등록한 자



논문계획서, 심사의견서

및 제본 1부 제출

Week 14




논문계획서 심사

Week 15




심사의견서 제출

(심사위원장이 제출)

Week 16



3학기 이상

등록한 자




논문신청서 제출

신청서 제출 후 지도교수 배정이 완료되면 알려드립니다.

Week 3





3학기 또는




논문제안 신청서

및 제본 3부 제출 (week3&13)


Week 3




Week 13

논문제안서 심사


Week 5




Week 15

논문제안 심사결과종합보고서 및 심사의견서 제출

(심사위원장이 제출)


Week 6



Week 16



아래 요건을 모두 갖추어야 합니다.


1. 4학기 이상 등록한 자 

2. 논문 제출에 필요한 소정의 학점(24학점)을 이수한 자 

3. 수료 후 5년이 경과되지 않은 자 

4. 외국어 및 종합시험 합격자



논문발표 제출승인서

및 제본 3부 제출


Week 13



논문발표 심사

Week 15



논문발표 심사결과종합보고서 및 심사의견서 제출

(심사위원장이 제출)

Week 16


논문파일 업로드/

Turn-it-in 결과/

논문인쇄본 4부 제출

Week 18



                      ◆ TESOL대학원 은행계좌 우리 1005-201-142404, 한국외국어대학교 (입금 후 입금증 사본을 함께 제출해 주십시오.)

                      ◆ 우편물 보내실 곳 : 02450서울 동대문구 이문로 107, 한국외국어대학교 TESOL대학원 교학과

                      ◆ TESOL대학원 교학과  TEL: 02-2173-3521, FAX: 02-2173-3358, E-mail: tesolgs@hufs.ac.kr




2024 Fall Semester Weekly Dates




Week 1

2024.09.02 ~ 09.06

Week 2

2024.09.09 ~ 09.13

Week 3

2024.09.16 ~ 09.20

Week 4

2024.09.23 ~ 09.27

Week 5

2024.09.30 ~ 10.04

Week 6

2024.10.07 ~ 10.11

Week 7

2024.10.14 ~ 10.18

Week 8

2024.10.21 ~ 10.25

Week 9

2024.10.28 ~ 11.01

Week 10

2024.11.04 ~ 11.08

Week 11

2024.11.11 ~ 11.15

Week 12

2024.11.18 ~ 11.22

Week 13

2024.11.25 ~ 11.29

Week 14

2024.12.02 ~ 12.06

Week 15

2024.12.09 ~ 12.13

Week 16

2024.12.16 ~ 12.20

Week 17

2024.12.23 ~ 12.27




 2024 Fall Semester Thesis Track

  <Students who are in the 3rd semester or above>

    ▶Submit Advisor Request Form: September 19 - September 20

      ① Please fill out the Advisor Request form.

      ② Send the Advisor Request form to head professor of your department and 
          ask him/her 
for for his/her own signature on it.

          ※ How to ask signature of your head professor
You can ask your head professor to put image of his/her own signature on the file you sent. 
             ii) You can ask your head professor to ①print out the file you sent, ②write his/her own signature on it by hand, 
                then ③send you the scanned file with signature on it.

               *It also needs YOUR signature on it. Please don't forget to add your sign next to your name.

      ③ Please submit「completed Advisor Request Formto GS TESOL Office e-mail(tesolgs@hufs.ac.kr).


    ▶Submit "Proposal Request Form+Proposal+Receipt of Reviewal Fee": 
 September 19 - September 20 (1st Round)

      ① Please fill out the Proposal Request Form.

      ② Send the Proposal Request Form to your advisor and ask him/her for his/her own signature on it.

          ※ How to ask signature of your advisor
You can ask your advisor to put image of his/her own signature on the file you sent. 
             ii) You can ask your advisor to ①print out the file you sent, ②write his/her own signature on it by hand, 
                then ③send you the scanned file with signature on it.

               * It also needs YOUR signature on it. Please don't forget to add your sign next to your name.

      ③ Send the Proposal Request Form to head professor of your department and ask him/her for 
his/her own signature on it.

          ※ How to ask signature of your head professor
You can ask your head professor to put image of his/her own 
                signature on the file you sent. 
             ii) You can ask your head professor to ①print out the file you sent,              
                ②write his/her own signature on it by hand, 
                then ③send you the scanned file with signature on it.

               * It also needs YOUR signature on it. Please don't forget to add your sign next to your name.

      ④ Please submit「completed Proposal Request form」,Proposal(3copies, spiral bound, 
        single-sided printout)
」, and「Receipt of Reviewal Fee*」to GS TESOL Office by post.
        ※ Address : 
GS TESOL Office (Room #111), Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 107 
                          Imun-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 02450, Korea
                          (02450 서울시 동대문구 이문로 107 (이문동 270) 한국외대 대학원 111호 TESOL대학원 교학처)

          * Students who paid Research Tuition are exempted from reviewal fees.

    1st Round Presentation of Proposal(P2) : September 30 - October 4

      Detailed Presentation Schedule will be announced later.



    ▶Submit "Presentation Request Form+Thesis+Receipt of Reviewal Fee": 
November 25 - November 29

      ① Please fill out the Presentation Request Form.

      ② Send the Presentation Request Form to your advisor and ask him/her for his/her own signature on it.

          ※ How to ask signature of your advisor
You can ask your advisor to put image of his/her own signature on the file you sent. 
             ii) You can ask your advisor to ①print out the file you sent, ②write his/her own signature on it by hand, 
                then ③send you the scanned file with signature on it.

               * It also needs YOUR signature on it. Please don't forget to add your sign next to your name.

      ③ Send the Presentation Request Form to head professor of your department and ask him/her for 
his/her own signature on it.

          ※ How to ask signature of your head professor
You can ask your head professor to put image of his/her own 
                signature on the file you sent. 
             ii) You can ask your head professor to ①print out the file you sent,              
                ②write his/her own signature on it by hand, 
                then ③send you the scanned file with signature on it.

               * It also needs YOUR signature on it. Please don't forget to add your sign next to your name.

      ④ Please submit「completed Presentation Request form」,Thesis(3copies, spiral bound, 
        single-sided printout)
」, and「Receipt of Reviewal Fee*」to GS TESOL Office by post.
        ※ Address : 
GS TESOL Office (Room #111), Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 107 
                          Imun-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 02450, Korea
                          (02450 서울시 동대문구 이문로 107 (이문동 270) 한국외대 대학원 111호 TESOL대학원 교학처)

          * Students who paid Research Tuition are exempted from reviewal fees.

    Presentation of P3 : December 9 - December 13

      Detailed Presentation Schedule will be announced later.





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