
  • 연구소안내 메뉴
  • 학술대회 메뉴
  • 학술지 메뉴
  • 정보센터 메뉴
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  • 관련사이트 메뉴


홈 웹메일 사이트맵





논문기고안내(영문)_Guidelines for Paper Contribution

[Korean Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies] is an academic journal published by the Institute of Latin American Studies of HUFS whose main objective is to contribute to the development of domestic Latin American area studies and improve Korea’s international competitiveness by gathering the latest research on the region and analyzing research trends. In addition to advocating the submission of not only pure academic research but also applied research, the journal especially places an emphasis on bridging the gap between the offices of the Institute of Latin American studies, GSIAS and the graduate school of HUFS by publishing both academic research like seminars and symposiums and outside special lectures.

Korean Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies of Institute of Latin American Studies of HUFS is registered in National Research Foundation of Korea. It is published three times in year, February 28th, June 31th, October 31th. If you apply for Journal, please send your manuscript until January 15th, May15th and September15th

1. Subject of Contributed Papers
This journal focuses on politics, economy, society, culture, legal system or literature of Central and Latin America. There are no methodological limitations on the characteristics and form of the paper and may vary from pure theoretical papers to analysis papers, case studies, applied research or policy analysis. This journal also welcomes essays on Latin America area studies. The contributed paper can be issued only by the editorial board of the Institute of Latin American studies once approved for publication. If the paper is revealed to be published elsewhere or contains plagiarism, the board can withdraw the decision of publication and the submission of the paper will be restricted for a set time period yet to be determined.

2. Manuscript pages and Paper Submission
The manuscript needs to be between 120 and 150 pages on a 200 square writing paper. In the case of an academic treatise, the length will be between 10-15 pages.
The paper should be written in MS word and submitted through https://ilas.jams.or.kr (Journal Article & Management System of National Research Foundation of Korea).
And depending on the results final revision of the paper should be revised and completed through https://ilas.jams.or.kr (Institute of Latin American Studies’ Journal Article & Management System of National Research Foundation of Korea)


3. Paper publication
Publication will be decided after evaluation by the editorial board.


4. Paper submission
https://ilas.jams.or.kr (Institute of Latin American Studies’ Journal Article & Management System of National Research Foundation of Korea)


5. Contact
E-mail: latinamerica@hufs.ac.kr
Tel : 02-2173-3927