약정 방법
납입 방법
은행 | 계좌번호 | 예금주 |
우리은행 | 126-05-031630 | 한국외국어대학교 |
국민은행 | 027-01-0344-132 | |
하나은행 | 275-810000-11204 |
해외 참여
납입 방법
재단명 | HUFS Foundation of Southern California |
소재지 | LA |
송금 은행 |
‧ Name : Bank of Hope ‧ Routing : 122041235 ‧ Address : 3832 Wilshire Blvd #104, Los Angeles, CA 90010 ‧ Branch Name : Wilshire Bank Mid Wilshire Branch ‧ Swift Code : BWILUS66 ‧ Account Name : HUFS Foundation of Southern California ‧ Account # : 6400520370 |
담당자 | 이은영(중국어 95, 남가주동문회 재무이사) e-mail : eunielee1@gmail.com |
Bank name | Wooribank (Branch name : HUFS br.) |
Bank adress | 99, Imun-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea |
Account number | 126-05-031630 |
Account holder | Hankuk University of Foreign Studies |
Account holder’s address | 107, Imun-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea |
Swift code | HVBKKRSEXXX |
Address | Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Office of Fundraising and Cooperation, 107, Imun-ro, Dongdaemun-gu,Seoul, 02450, KOREA |
Tel | 82-2-2173-2756 |
FAX | 82-2-2173-2785 |
hufsfund@hufs.ac.kr |