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대학원 교과목 이수체계



코드번호교 과 목 명영 문 명
G62615어낼리틱스 이론 및 응용Analytics Theory and Its Applications
G62631기술경영분석방법론Analysis Method in Management of Technology
G54574통신경영정책특론Special Topics in Telecommunications Management Policy
G62633기술사업화론Technology Commercialization
G62626데이터마이닝응용Data Mining Applications
G62621머신비젼Machine Vision
G62625물류시스템분석 및 설계Analysis and Design of Logistics Systems
G62619물류정보시스템Logistics Information Systems
G62616발견적기법Heuristic and Meta-heuristic Methods
G54567제품공학Product Engineering
G62639에이전트기반 모델링Agent Based Modeling
G54573기술혁신전략Technology Innovation Strategies
G62640생산시스템 특론Special Topics in Production Systems
G54576통계적 학습Statistical Learning
G62634산업경영공학세미나 ⅠSeminar in Industrial and Management Engineering Ⅰ
G62635산업경영공학세미나 ⅡSeminar in Industrial and Management Engineering Ⅱ
G62624데이터어낼리틱스 세미나 1Seminar in Data Analytics 1
G62609생산정보시스템Production Information Systems
G62638시스템공학및응용Systems Engineering and Its Applications
G62506소프트웨어품질경영Software Quality Management
G62637데이터 공학Data Engineering
G62641프로세스 마이닝Process mining
G62636인공 신경망Artificial Neural Networks
G62601이산최적화Discrete Optimization
G54575시스템 다이내믹스System Dynamics
G54572지능형 컴퓨팅Computational Intelligence
G62603자동화시스템고등논제Special Topics in Automation
G62607비정형 데이터 분석Unstructured Data Analysis
G62623정보공학고등논제Special Topics in Information Engineering
G62614지능형생산시스템Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
G62622통신시스템고등논제Special Topics in Telecommunications
G62613품질공학특론Special Topics in Quality Engineering
G62620품질정보시스템Quality Information Systems
G62602빅데이터 시스템Big Data Systems
G62611SCM특론Special Topics in Supply Chain Management

수리적 확률 및 통계Mathematical Probability & Statistics 

응용 확률적 과정 Applied Stochastic Processes



Operational analytics


종합시험 과목


1.종합시험은 아래 9과목으로 구성되며, 석사과정은 3개를 박사과정은 4개를 선택한다 – The qualify exam consists of 6 subjects as below. Among them, Master and Ph.D. candidates choose 3 and 4 subjects, respectively:
(1) Analytics theory and its applications
(2) Data mining applications
(3) Special topics in information engineering
(4) Computational intelligence
(5) Data engineering

(6) Artificial neural networks

(7) Agent based modeling

(8) Operational analytics

(9) Technological innovation strategy




2. 시험은 과목당 2시간-오픈북, 통합 시험을 원칙으로 하되, 담당 교수에 따라 변경될 수 있다 – The exam requires 2 hours with open-book for each subject, but not be separated by subjects. The professor in charge of a subject may change the format of the subject exam.

3. 응시 학생은 담당 교수에게 세부 내용을 사전에 확인해야 한다 – A candidate is supposed to consult with the professor for the scope and details of a subject, in advance.


4. 각 과목시험의 70점 이상을 통과로 판정하며, 모든 과목을 통과하면 종합시험 합격으로 판정한다 – Each subject is passed if its score is not less than 70/100, and the exam is passed, only if all subjects are passed.