교수진 | ![]() |
![]() | Spas Angelov Rangelov(부교수) |
담당과목: 중급불가리아어회화, 불가리아어비즈니스회화, 시청각불가리아어,
이메일: rangelovsa@yahoo.com | |
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- 주요논문 Books: Korean Phrase-Final Particles: Their Grammar and Usage. Skopje, 2015. ISBN 978-608-205-362-2 Корейски синтаксис [A Korean Syntax]. Sofia, 1998. ISBN 954-90332-3-8 Космосът на водната капка: Съвременна корейска поезия [The Cosmos of a Waterdrop: Modern Korean Poetry]. Sofia, 1998 (selected and translated with Boyko Pavlov and Gwon-Jin Choi). ISBN 954-8126-33-8
Articles: “Verbal Aspectuality and Situation Types in Bulgarian: Preliminary Observations” in Rhetoric and Communications E-journal (R&C), Issue 31, November 2017, http://rhetoric.bg/; http://journal.rhetoric.bg/. ISSN 1314-4464 “Ways of the Mudang: Aspects of Religious Syncretism in Korea” in Fedotoff, A., Kim So Young, editors. On Religious and Cultural Contents in Korea and Bulgaria (26-35). Sofia, 2017. ISBN 978-619-7084-41-2 “Някои аспекти на лингвистичната типологична класификация на македонския синтаксис” [“Some aspects of the linguistic typological classification of Macedonian Syntax”] in XLIII Меѓународна научна конференција на XLIX Меѓународен семинар за македонски јазик, литература и култура [XLIII International scientific conference of the XLIX International seminar of Macedonian language, literature and culture] (228-238). Skopje, 2017. ISBN 978-9989-43-391-7 “Differences of Grammatical Categories of Nouns and Noun Phrases in Korean and Bulgarian: Potential Implications for Applied Linguistics” in CEESOK Journal of Korean Studies, Volume 16 (198-207). Moscow, 2016. ISBN 978-5-88983-824-1 “Attitudes towards Cyrillic transcription of Korean names and words in Bulgarian context” in Луна, бамбук и огледало – изтоковедски изследвания [Moon, Bamboo and Mirror – Oriental Studies Research] (333-343). Sofia, 2016. ISBN 978-06-03-1956-60 “Морфологичното маркиране на подлозите в корейския език от гледна точка на интерфейса между синтаксиса, семантиката и прагматиката” [“Morphological Marking of Subjects in Korean from the Perspective of the Interface of Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics”] in Актуални тенденции в развитието на прагматиката и когнитивната лингвистика [Current Trends in the Development of Pragmatics and Cognitive Linguistics] (151-162). Sofia, 2015. ISBN 978-954-07-3875-8 “Transcription of Bulgarian names with the Korean alphabet (prescriptive approach)” in Outlining the Korean Society: Preceedings. Sofia, 2015. “Contrasting nominal phrases in Korean and Bulgarian in functional-typological perspective” in Comparative Analysis of the Decolonization in Bulgaria and Korea. Sofia, 2014. “Истражување на постојната состојба на студиите по кореистика во Источна Европа и на Балканот и улогата на Македонија” [“A Research in the Current Situation of Korean Studies in Eastern Europe and the Balkans and the role of Macedonia”] in Годишен зборник, книга 39-40 [Annual, book 39-40]. Филолошки факултет „Блаже Конески“ – Скопје [Blazhe Koneski Faculty of Philology – Skopje]. Skopje, 2014. “Анализа на материјалите за Кореја во Македонија од дијахронски и синхронски аспект” [“Analysis of the materials about Korea in Macedonia from a Diachronic and Synchronic Perspective”] (with M. Karanfilovski and R. Nikodinovska) in Philological Studies, Edition 2014, Volume 2. Skopje, Perm, Ljubljana, Zagreb, Belgrade, 2014, http://philologicalstudies.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=455&Itemid=155 “Контрастивно истражување на македонскиот и корејскиот вокализам” [“A Contrastive Study of Macedonian and Korean Vocalism”] in XL Научна конференција на МСМЈЛК (Охрид, 29-30 јуни 2013 година) [XL Scientific Conference of the International Seminar for Macedonian Language, Literature and Culture (Ohrid, June 29-30, 2013)]. Skopje 2014. “Academic and Practical Systems of Transcription of Korean Words with the Bulgarian Alphabet: A Cyrillization Project for Korean” (with B. Pavlov) in Korea – From Traditions to Modernity: Proceedings of the European Conference on Korean Studies. Sofia, 2013. “Transcription of Korean personal names in Bulgarian Cyrillic texts (a case study)” (with B. Pavlov) in Korea as Crossroads of Asia: National Conference on Korean Studies. Sofia, 2012. “Korean Studies in Macedonia in the Context of the Present State and Development of Korean Studies in Eastern and Southeastern Europe” in Korean Studies in Macedonia (online), 2012, http://macedonia-korea.blogspot.com/2013/10/korean-studies-in-macedonia-in-context.html “The grammar and usage of Korean phrase-final particles” (PhD dissertation, SOAS, University of London). 2012. “Inception and Development of Korean Studies in the Republic of Macedonia” in Proceedings of the 1st International Conference for the Promoting Korean Studies in Macedonia. Skopje, 2011. “Notes on the Theoretical and Practical Linguistic Understanding of Korean Cosa and Japanese Joshi” in Journal of Korean Culture, vol. 14. Seoul, 2010. “Korean Cosa and Japanese Joshi in Theoretical Linguistics and in Practical Foreign-Language Courses” in China, Korea, Japan: Methodology and Practice of Culture Interpretation. Kyiv, 2009 “Teaching Korean Cosa to Native Speakers of Bulgarian” in Студии по кореистика /Journal of Korean Studies, Volume 10. Sofia, 2009. Review of “Japanese/Korean Linguistics Volume 10” in Linguists List (online), 2003, http://cf.linguistlist.org/cfdocs/new-website/LL-WorkingDirs/pubs/reviews/get-review.cfm?SubID=10698 “Some aspects of the reaction to State Shinto shrines in Korea” in Студии по кореистика/Journal of Korean Studies, Volume 6. Sofia, 2002. “On the understanding and treatment of the bound form –ita in Korean Linguistics” in Студии по кореистика/Journal of Korean Studies, Volume 5. Sofia, 2001. “Проблеми на корейския синтаксис: Главни части на изречението” [“Problems of Korean syntax: Main parts of the sentence”] in Студии по кореистика/Journal of Korean Studies, Volume 1. Sofia, 1998. “Linguo-semiotic peculiarities of the Korean writing system” in Proceedings of the 2nd National Symposium of Korean Studies. Sofia, 1997. “Някои типологични сходства на сложните глаголи в хинди, корейски и японски” [“Some typological similarities of compound verbs in Hindi, Korean and Japanese”] in Индия в българската наука/Indija v bylgarskata nauka [India in Bulgarian Science]. Sofia, 1998. “Уникалността на корейското писмо хангъл” [“The uniqueness of the Korean Hangul script”] in Proceedings of the 1st National Symposium of Korean Studies. Sofia, 1996.
Conferences: “Notes on Aspect and Aktionsart of Bulgarian Verbs: Interface of Grammar and Semantics” 2017 한국슬라브어학회 연례 학술대회: 외국어로서 슬라브어의 연구와 교육, Seoul 2017. “Ways of the Mudang: Aspects of Religious Syncretism in Korea” International conference “On Religious and Cultural Contents in Korea and Bulgaria”. Sofia, 2017. “Language and Identity in Contemporary Bulgaria” The 8th East Asian Conference on Conflict and Harmony in Eurasia in the 21st Century: Dynamics and Aesthetics. Seoul, 2017. “Differences of grammatical categories of nouns and noun phrases in Korean and Bulgarian: potential implications for applied linguistics” CEESOK-2015: The 14th International Conference. Moscow, 2015.
Collection of Awarded Works “Achim” [“Morning”] (a poem in Korean) in Cey 2 hoy cenkwuk oykwuk.in hankwuk.e payk.ilcang Swusang mwuncip [Second National Contest for Writing in Korean for Foreigners, Collection of the Awarded Works]. Seoul, 1993.