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학력사항 미국 노스캐롤라이나대 저널리즘&매스컴 박사
미국 노스캐롤라이나대 저널리즘&매스컴 석사
한국외대 신문방송학과 석사
한국외대 영어과 학사
경력사항 미국 콜로라도 주립대 부교수(2012-2013)
미국 콜로라도 주립대 조교수(2008-2012)
미국 하와이 퍼시픽 대학교 조교수(2005-2008)
주요논문 및 저서

Bill D. Herman & Minjeong Kim, 2014, The internet Defends Itself; The Network Neutrality Debate on the Web, The information Society, 30(1), 31-44

Jang Hyun Kim, Minjeong Kim & Chung joo Chung, The Anatomy of the Media Framing of the net-Neutrality Debate : A Mixed Method of Content and Semantic network Analyses, 언론과학연구, 13(4), 206-243

Minjeong Kim, Yun-Cheol Heo, Seong-Cheol Cho & Han Woo Park, 2013, Comparative Trends in Global Communication Networks of #Kpop Tweets, Quality & Quantity
[Online first in September 2013, DOI 10. 1007/s 11135-013-9918-1]

Minjeong Kim & Han Woo Park, 2012, Measuring Twitter-Based Political Participation and Deliberation in the South Korean Context by Using Social Network and Triple Helix Indicators, Scientometrics, 90(1), 121-140, [Online first in August 2011. DOI 10.1007/s 11192-011-0508-5

Minjeong kim, 2011, Show Me the Money : The Economics of Copyright in online news, Journal of the Copyright Society of the U.S.A. 58(2), 301-324.

Minjeong Kim, Chung Joo Chung & Jang Hyun kim, 2011, Who Shapes network neutrality Policy Debate?

An Examination of information Subsidizers in the Mainstream Media and at Congressional and FCC Hearings, Telecommunications Policy, 35, 314-324.

Minjeong kim, Winter 2011, The Representation of Two Competing Visions on the Fundamentals of Copyright : A Content Analysis of Associated Press News Coverage on Copyright, 2004-2009, Communication Law and Policy. 16(1), 49-87.

Minjeong Kim, 2010, The Right to Anonymous Association in Cyberspace : US Legal Protection for Anonymity in Name, in Face, and in Action, SCRIPTed – A Journal of Law, Technology & Society. 7(1), 51-70.

Minjeong Kim & Lenae Vinson, 2009, Friends of the First Amendment? Amicus Curiae Briefs in Free Speech/Press Cases During the Warren and Burger Courts, Journal of Media Law & Ethics, 1(1/2), 83-106.

Minjeong Kim, 2008, Web2.0시대에 인턴텟 서비스 제공자(ISP)의 법적 책임 문제 : 미국의 ‘ISP 면책조항’의 새로운 해석 및 최근 적용 사례들에 대한 고찰 [Liability of internet Service Providers(ISPs) in the age of Web 2.0 : Examination of recent cases changing 230 immunity of the Communications Decency Act, 정보법학 [Journal of Korea information Law]. 12(1), 135-155. Seoul, Korea.

Minjeong Kim, 2007, The Creative Commons and copyright protection in the digital era : Uses of Creative Commons licenses, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), available at

Minjeong Kim, 2007, Numbers tell part of the story : A comparison of FOIA implementation under the Clinton and Bush administrations, Communication Las and Policy, 12(3), 313-33.

Minjeong Kim, 2007, Silencing the voice of the minority : Revisiting the media coverage of the 1992 civil disturbance in Los Angeles, Asian Communication Research, 3(2007), 42-62.