한국외국어대학교 미디어커뮤니케이션 학부

학부장 인사말



지성욱 교수
최종학위텔레커뮤니케이션 박사
연구실제2교수연구동 505호   TEL. 02-2173-8826
학력사항 Ph.D., Telecommunications, Indiana University, Bloomington (2012)
M.A., Telecommunications, Michigan State University (2005)
M.A., Mass Communications, 서강대학교 (2003)
B.A., Religious Studies & Mass Communications, 서강대학교 (2001)
경력사항 Assistant Professor, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (2015 – 2016)
Fixed-term Assistant Professor, Michigan State University (2012 – 2014)
Editorial Assistant, Information Economics and Policy (2006 – 2010)
주요논문 및 저서

Choi, J., Lee, S.Y., & Ji, S.w. (2020, in Press). Engagement in emotional News on Social Media: Intensity and Type of Emotions. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly

Ji, S. W.(2019) The Internet and Changes in the Media Industry: A 5-Year Cross-National Examination od Media Industries for 51 Countries, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 96(3), 894-918

Ha, J., Ji, S.W. & Shin, D.(2017) Selective exposure to partisan media: Moderating factors in evaluations of the president, The Social Science Journal 55(1), 62-74

Ji, S. W., Choi, Y., & Ryu, M. (2016) The Economic Effects of Domestic Search Engines on the Development of the Online Advertising Market, Telecommunications Policy(40), 982-955

Ji, S. W. (2015) Vertical Integration, Regional Concentration, and Availability in Cable Programming Networks. Journal of Media Economics, 28(4), 184-216.

Ji, S. W., & Waterman, D. (2015, Book Chapter) Vertical Ownership, Technology and Programming Content. In Handbook on the Economics of the Media. Edited by Robert Picard and Steve Wildman, Edward Elgar Publishing.

Ji, S. W., & Waterman, D. (2014, Book Chapter) The Impact of the Internet on Media Industries: An Economic Perspective. In Society and the Internet: How Information and Social Networks are Changing our Lives. Edited by Mark Graham and William H. Dutton. Oxford University Press.

Ji, S. W. (2014) Diffusion of the New Video Delivery Technology: Is There Redlining in the Internet Protocol TV Service Market? Journal of Media Economics, 27(3) 137–157.

Ji, S. W., Waterman, D., & Michaels, S. (2014) Electronic vs. Print Resources in College Level Courses: Cost-Efficiency and Perceived Learning. Internet & Higher Education, 21, 17–24.

Waterman, D., Sherman, R., & Ji, S. W. (2013) The Economics of Online Television: Industry Development, Aggregation, and “TVEverywhere.” Telecommunications Policy, 37(9), 725–736.

Waterman, D., & Ji, S. W. (2012) Online vs. Offline Media in the U.S.: Are the Media Shrinking? The Information Society, 28, 285–303.

Waterman, D., Ji, S. W., & Rochet, L., (2007) Enforcement and Control of Piracy, Copying, and Sharing in the Movie Industry. Review of Industrial Organization, 30(4).