권혁만 교수
  • 이메일
  •    hmkwon@hufs.ac.kr
  • 학력
  •    1978. 3. ~ 1982. 2 서울대학교 자연과학대학 동물학과, 이학사
  •    1982. 3. ~ 1984. 2. 서울대학교 자연과학대학 동물학과, 이학석사
  •    1985. 9. ~ 1991. 9. Brandeis University, USA, 이학박사
  • 경력
  •    1991. 9 - 1995. 2 University of Massachusetts Medical Center, USA Postdoctoral Fellow
  •    1995. 3 - 2000. 2 단국대학교 분자생물학과, 전임강사/조교수
  •    2000. 3 - 2001. 2 경희대학교 동서의학대학원, 조교수
  •    2001. 3 - 현재 한국외국어대학교 생명공학과, 부교수
  • Research Interests
  •    Epigenetics: Regulation of gene expression and replication by chromatin and nuclear structure.
  • 최근 논문 및 특허
  • 1. Fe3O4-Nanoparticle-embedded multifunctional hollow mesoporous silica capsules.
    Hwang Y-.K., Choi J-.N., Cho J-,H., Kown H. and Huh S. 2012;Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 21, 3379-3383
  • 2. Intracellular protein delivery by hollow mesoporous silica capsules with a large surface hole.
    Lim J-.S., Lee K., Choi J-.N., Hwang Y-.K., Yun M-.Y., Kim H-.J., Won Y.S., Kim S-.J., Kwon H.and Huh S.2012; Nanotechnology, 23, 085101-085111
  • 3. actin-related protein BAF53 is essential for the formation of replication foci.
    Kwon, S.J. and Kwon, H.2012;Animal Cells & Systems, 16, 183-189
  • 4. Suppression of HPV E6 and E7 expression by BAF53 depletion in cervical cancer cells.
    Lee, K., Lee, A.Y., Kwon, Y.K. and Kwon, H. 2011.Biochem. Biophy. Res. Comm.412.328-333
  • 5. Ratiometric fluorescence imaging of cellular glutathione.
    Kim, G.J., Lee, K., Kwon, H.and Kim, H. J. 2011;Organic Letters 13, 2799-2801
  • 6. Coumarin-malonitrile conjugate as a fluorescence turn-on probe for biothiols and its cellular expression.
    Kwon, H., Lee, K. and Kim, H.J.Chem. Comm.2011;1773-1775.
  • 7. Coumarin-malonitrile conjugate as a fluorescence turn-on probe for biothiols and its cellular expression.
  • 8. Effects of Polygala tenuifolia root extract on proliferation of neural stem cells in the hippocampal CA1 region.
  • 9. Association of BAF53 with mitotic chromosomes.
  • 10. Shp2 is involved in neuronal differentiation of hippocampal precursor cells.
  • 11. Expansion of chromosome territories with chromatin decompaction in BAF53-depleted interphase cells.
  • 12. Upregulation of amyloid precursor protein by platelet-derived growth factor in hippocampal precursor cells. LimJS,ChoH,HongHS,KwonH,Mook-JungI,KwonYK.Neuroreport.2007Aug6;18(12):1225-9.