글번호 : 151267849

작성일 : 21.04.13 | 조회수 : 226

제목 : [Competition] 2020 Research Proposal Competition for Graduate Students (~4/30, 18:00) 글쓴이 : is전공
첨부파일 첨부파일: KDIS_Final1.jpg 1. 제2회 개발협력실증연구 대학원생 연구제안서 공모전_공모안내 및 양식.hwp 1. [KDI School]Research Project Proposal form.docx 2. Application and Consent Form (KDIS 2021).docx



2021 Research Proposal Competition for Graduate Students


KDI School of Public Policy and Management is searching for new researchers in the field of empirical research in development studies and policy impact evaluation. 

Please refer to the following guidelines for application. 

► Eligibility : Graduate Student & Post-Doctoral in Korea
                       (All majors are eligible, Collaborative research more than two persons or less is allowed)
► Themes :  Empirical Anaysis and Developmnet Policy on Domestic Issues & ODA
► Language : Korean or English
► Required Documents :
    1) Application
    2) A Research Proposal
    3) Consent form for Collection and Use of Personal Information (for each applicant)
    4) Certificate or enrollement (for each applicant)
► Deadline Submission : 2021. 04. 30.(Fri), 18:00
► How to submit : Sent an email to research@kdis.ac.kr
► Schedule
    - Proposal Deadline : 2021. 04. 30.(Fri), 18:00
    - Evaluation : 2020. 05. 03.(Mon) ~ 05. 28.(Fri)
    - Announcement : 2021. 05. 31.(Mon)
    - Interim Report Deadline : 2021. 08. 23.(Mon)
    - Interim Seminar : 2021. 08. 30.(Mon) ~ 8.31.(Tue)
       * Consultation will be provided at the interim Seminar on March 2nd.
    - Final Report Deadline : 2021. 11. 24.(Wed)
    - Final Research Seminar : 2021. 12. 01.(Wed) ~ 12.02. (Thu)
       * Presentation will be required
     - Working paper publication: during  3 months from the final research seminar

► Prize

     • Grand Prize (1) : Research funds - 5,000,000 won 
     • Excellence Prize (2) : Research funds - 3,000,000 won
     • Participation Prize (4) :  Research funds - 1,000,000 won
       * Research funds will be separately paid in the beginning of reseasrch(50%) & after the final research seminar(50%)

LINK : KDIS ODRIC|Development Research and International Cooperation (kdischool.ac.kr)

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