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글번호 : 189747847

작성일 : 24.10.01 | 조회수 : 243

제목 : [CKLC] 24년도 가을학기 비자연장 단체접수 / Group application for Visa extension 글쓴이 : 한국어문화교육원
첨부파일 첨부파일: 첨부파일이 없습니다.

[CKLC] 24년도 가을학기 비자연장 단체접수 / Group application for Visa extension



*D-4비자 학생들에게 해당되는 내용입니다.

*This notification is for students with a D-4 visa.


안녕하세요, 한국어문화교육원입니다.

학생들의 원활한 비자 연장 신청을 위하여 온라인으로 단체접수를 진행합니다.

신청이 필요한 학생들은 해당기간내에 반드시 신청해주시기 바라며, 개별적으로 진행 할 학생들은 신청하지 않아도 괜찮습니다.


[비자연장 신청기간]

● 신청기간 : 10월 21일(월) ~ 10월 25일(금) 오후 6시

● 신청링크 : (ENG) Hankuk University of Foreign Studies- Center For Korean Language And Culture (hirevisa.com) 

● 신청수수료 : 71,000KRW


비자 연장 관련 문의사항 : Hirevisa (channel.io) 

Greetings, this is CKLC.

This notification is for students with a D-4 visa.

We're going to conduct online gruop application for better and easier issuance of VISA extension for the students.

Online application must be completed by the deadline and students who have already applied or plan to apply by themselves do not need to apply for this group application.


[Application information]

● Application period : October 21st (Monday) to October 25th (Friday) 6pm

● Application link : (ENG) Hankuk University of Foreign Studies- Center For Korean Language And Culture (hirevisa.com) 

● Application fee : 71,000KRW


QnA link for visa extension : Hirevisa (channel.io) 


**All application procedures will be notified by email. Please be sure to provide a valid email address when applying.

(QQ mail is difficult to receive, so please enter another mail)


**For all inquiries related to visa extension, such as submission of application documents and supplementary documents, please contact Hirevisa through the application link page or the QnA link. (KOREAN, CHINESE, JAPANESE, ENGLISH available)   
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